I was hesitant to put his in gaming discussion. I think that's only video games. I'd like to know if anyone else is HxC with chess or just (re)getting into it like me. On chess with friends my username is StonedEmu (an iPod or android app like words with friends, from the same people). Challenge me at will. If anyone's got habits or openings they usually use, what are they? I find myself hopelessly repeating the house formation kingside and using my queen and other bishop on offense. Yeh. Chess discussion and stuff. Forgive any elementary typos; I'm on my iPod.
Lol whatever man, it's a great game. I find it a really calming hobby to play with a friend. It was my life when I was a kid, I'm tying to reclaim all my skill.
I love chess. I dont really have any particular strategy I use. It all depends which color I am mainly, either way I try to expand my front lines as fast as possible and I like to set my queen up early. Im pretty good at setting up moves 4 or 5 turns in advance, but I STILL make rookie mistakes often.
Man, I havent played a game of chess in about 5 years, and before that it was even longer. I used to play it with my mates at school during our lunchbreak. Always started out with the classic Bishop/Queen 4-move checkmate, and it caught people out most of the time. If they clued onto it then I changed my tactics on the fly. Never really was one for using the same moves all the time, I usually adapted to whatever my opponent was doing. Id say my win/loss rate was about 60/40. But now it would be something like 5/95 due to my lack of playing. I also loved playing checkers against my grandfather when I was a youngin'. He usually let me win, but would absolutely decimate me on occasion, to teach me how to win. He had a beautiful wooden set which was in immaculate condition. I can still remember the smell of the pieces. What? Thats not weird!
I used to play often but I haven't played in a good year. Are you talking about castling your rook and having 3 pawns at their start position? is that what you meant by house formation? I was never very great at chess terminology so help me out here.
The house formation is: Knight F6 Pawn g6 Bishop g7 Castle In order to protect f7 though, I usually take my knight to h6 instead, which also allows the bishop a line of fire. ALWAYS GUARD F7
I love to play chess. It's a lot of fun to play. I don't have an ipod though. I sometimes play on yahoo chess or take a set with me to a friend's house.
I was going to say, until I read the end of that post, that you know chess exists on the physical plane, right? Not just as a form of electronic entertainment.