I am looking for anybody who still plays Halo 3 customs with. Everybody seems to have moved on to Reach but me! lol I am looking to create new gametypes to go with a couple of really original ones me and my friend have, forge new maps specifically designed for those gametypes, play lots of different customs anybody has to offer, and whatever else sounds like fun! I listen to everyone and I always strive to be as fair as possible. My GT is Fretless Arcade and thank you for your time!
Halo 3 is practically dead. You'll have a tough time finding 1 player, let alone 6. The best option is to move on to Reach. The customs are still very fun there, but the matchmaking is problematic. Also, for evidence that it is very hard to find players, you might notice that this post came 5 days later.
Yeah I thought that might be the case, I'm kind of surprised anyone responded at all! But it was worth the effort to try. Besides, I just don't feel like shelling out the money for Reach right now since I got Blacklight:Tango Down for fifteen. Reach will be great, but It's just not enough to warrant that kind of money for me right now.
So you don't even own Reach? That explains why you haven't moved over to there yet, then. Also, Reach will probably move down to 40 bucks soon on GameStop. It moved down to 50 within a couple months after release. If you can't pay that, then you're probably going to have a long wait before the price changes again. Like I said though, you're still very unlikely to set up a custom game. Even a 2v2 would be pushing it.
I used to always still play Halo 3 when Reach was out, and I owned it. I'm done with that game now though.
I'd love to play, I haven't found ANY custom games on Reach, if someone would like to help me out on where to find or ask people to play or whatever. I really miss playing Infection on Halo 3, I've had the best times in my life playing that game, and I'm really sad to see it die...
There's still plenty of ppl on 3! there's just not a lot of ppl on forgehub who play Halo 3. I was playing yesterday and had around 10 ppl in my party. as far as playing custom on Reach, I don't find as many as I did with halo 3, but there's TGIF here at forge hub, and they have many different custom parties to suit your needs.
Thats awesome, can you add me and invite me next time you play? Do you play a lot? My friends use to play, like everytime I get on there was atleast 2 people playing Halo 3 Customs, but now there aren't any. GT: pinkyandthsheep there is NO E in the. Message me to tell me who you are. Thanks!