Combat Arms Maps Junk Flea Map Size: Small Map Overview:ℑ=MAP_JUNKFLEA-jpg Sandhog Map Size: Medium Map Overview:ℑ=MAP_SANDHOG-jpg Grey Hammer Map Size: Large Map Overview:ℑ=MAP_GRAYHAMMER-jpg Warhead Map Size: Medium Map Overview:ℑ=MAP_WARHEAD-jpg Cold Seed Map Size: Small Map: Two Towers Map Size: Large Map Overview:ℑ=MAP_TWOTOWER-jpg Waverider Map Size: Huge Map Overview:ℑ=MAP_WAVERIDER-jpg Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Skidrow Map Size: Medium Map Overview: Rust Map Size: Small Map Overview: Karachi Map Size: Large Map Overview: Sub Base Map Size: Large Map Overview: Halo 3 The Pit Citadel Cold Storage Construct Epitaph Foundry Guardian Narrows Rats Nest Borderlands Sledges Safehouse Map Size: Large Map Overview:'s_Safe_House.png TDP4: Team Battle (For Fun) Hanger Corridor These are the maps im going to be working on first. if you have other maps from other games or if you want me to do other maps in these games message me or post!!!! [br][/br]Edited by merge: First Map is going to be junk flea and then im ganna work downward
Alot of those combat arms maps are probably gonna be pretty small for Reach's dynamics. I know Grey Hammer was one of my favorites, and easily fit the 8v8 of CA, but halo would probably have it as more of a 4v4 least in my opinion. Nice to see you're gonna do the maps though.
The Pit, Citadel, Cold Storage, Construct, Epitaph, Foundry, Gaurdian, Narrows and rats Nest have already been remade.
im ganna make them slightly bigger than they would normally be, so that it would seem to fit better, and if all those maps are already remade ill just skip them, im hoping to get junk flea done by the 25th, unfortunatly i dont own reach so it will take longer than usual
I suggest removing all the Halo 3 maps due to how commonly they are remade, and do the "for fun" maps in between every 5 maps or not make them at all (They don't look very well-designed, IMO). Keep only Karachi and possibly Sub-Base for MW2, for the same reasons as the Halo 3 maps. Make sure to modify the Borderlands map to work well with Halo: Reach, or again choose to drop the project, as it would be difficult for an upstart forger to make. Remember, it was an FPSRPG, not just an FPS. Some maps may look great, but they may not play great for multiplayer. I'd say skip the Borderlands project if you aren't extremely experienced with forge. Most don't get this many maps completed in their entire forge career. This is probably just wishful thinking on your part. If you can get these remade, that's great, but I'm doubtful anyone will complete this many maps before Reach becomes dead and we all move on to Halo 4. Try starting off with a single map and then progressively moving your way up. I don't think anyone has ever attempted to make a Combat Arms map, which is an at least slightly underrated game in my opinion, so your forge style will probably be quite unique if you can get these maps done. But right now, focus on the short-term objective, which is just getting your first (assuming that this is your first) project complete. Be willing to make major changes in the remake throughout development and even after development to make it work well with Reach. This is a mistake almost all forgers make, and their maps don't live up to the full potential because of it, or even become bad maps. Minor changes over time don't improve the quality of a map, contrary to what a lot of members here at ForgeHub may think. Go for it, but don't go for it too quick. Study the gameplay of any one of these Combat Arms maps. Make sure you know how it plays, and how it looks. Edit - Oh, you don't even own Reach? You should really lower the amount of maps then. Maybe take your 2-3 favorite Combat Arms maps of the group, and remove the rest of the maps in the list. Download Google Sketchup and the Reach objects and get used to planning maps using that program. A planned map turns out better than an unplanned map almost 100% of the time. This will also give you a chance to experiment with object choices outside of the game to see what looks best. Obviously you can't test frame-rate (which is another term for lag) in Sketchup, so you'll have to do that in testing the map during customs. Remember to fix any FR issues in game by removing unneeded areas and objects and making better object choices. Things with glass or lights in them tend to cause more frame-rate issues than without. You might have to make your maps look worse than you'd like in fixing frame-rate issues, but if it doesn't perform well, then there's no point to having flashy aesthetics. A map is meant to be played, after all. It's nice to have maps that work with split-screen, too. Not many of those are around. Of course, you don't have to make it work in split-screen, but if you can and you have some good ideas how, use them. Well, if this is your first attempt at making a map, I have a better suggestion for a map than the ones you listed. It plays extremely well and is very simple to forge. It was in one of the greatest FPS games of all time, in my fact (Really an opinion, but I don't really see how you can make a valid argument against this opinion unless you're absolutely insane or haven't played said game. Am I right?) It would make a great first map release. The suggestion I am going to make to you is Q3TOURNEY4 from Quake III Arena. It's a fast-paced but simple map that would easily work well with Reach, despite the slower pacing in comparison to Quake III Arena. The map isn't too hard to learn and you would not find it difficult to forge at all, even without any planning done. Only 1 map I know of is similar to this, and that's bunniesz23's Rendition. It's larger and more advanced, and that's where the problem is for me. If you could remake Q3TOURNEY4 in its true form, you wouldn't take too much time and it would get you a pretty decent amount of downloads for a first project. The gameplay on that map is amazing and it really needs a true remake and not an inspiration. If you ever get around to remaking the map I have suggested, you should post it on both ForgeHub and the MLG forums, for publicity purposes. Trust me, you want a map like this to get noticed. This map is a good choice for beginner forgers and is the type of map that anyone would love to play many times over. I called Quake III Arena the best FPS ever earlier, and with good reason. It never gets old, and I think you'll see why after you see a map like this. This map alone is better than any map Bungie has made in every Halo title combined. Alright, maybe I'm exaggerating way too much on that, but it's an amazing map still. I hope you take my suggestions, OP. Though I've never officially released a map, I'm a veteran forger and I come up with many creative ideas. I like to suggest remakes of slightly advanced maps coming from underrated games such as games in the Star Wars: Jedi Knight series,a very Quake-like game made for 1v1 gametypes called Painkiller, Star Wars: Republic Commando, and the predecessor to Bungie's highly successful Halo franchise and an innovative Doom-clone known as the Marathon trilogy, but I figured a simple map from Quake III Arena would be more fitting for a beginner. After you check Q3TOURNEY4 out and/or remake the map, I'll be sure to suggest another map for you. I'm hopeful that you'll stay active in the community and eventually finish these seemingly interesting maps. Combat Arms remakes would be a nice change, straying from the more common remakes of maps like Lockout, Guardian, The Pit, Warlock, and Onslaught. We see remakes of those maps every day, despite all having been perfected as a remake at least one time. Most of us are willing to take anything else at this point, and this is definitely not one of those everyday maps that we are normally used to seeing. These seem like more unique maps that most, from the layouts. Good luck on your future and current projects, newcomer. I'm hopeful you'll improve in forge over time, and again, remember to plan out your maps on Google Sketchup before jumping right into forge so that you can effectively design your maps and avoid mistakes as best as you possibly can. Make sure to check out the Tester's Guild if you are unsure of some things you've done in the map and how the community will view them. The TG will give you criticism and help you towards the next step in development. After they have helped you, it would be best that you go through private testing sessions to see how your map plays. Take in any and all community feedback. After you are finished with getting a good amount of feedback from the general community, head over to the Review Hub for an accurate and extensive review done over multiple tests of the map. They will help finish your map up and make it as good as it can be. Be willing to take criticism and learn from it, inside and outside the forums, and anywhere within the forums as well. Don't mistake it as trolling or being harsh, because in the end the community is just trying to help, even if they may not be doing so in the best way. Realize the importance of community feedback early on. Community feedback makes up 50% or more of the development process in maps, and it's one of the most important things in determining the success of a map or the failure of a map. Also, try to write up threads in a way that will draw people to your map. If you don't know how to do this, I'm sure someone in the community will be willing to help you with making your map post look professional and putting up good-looking screenshots. Remember to check out the forum rules and rules on how to post a map thread, for when you finish your map and wish to post it on Forgehub. That's all I have to say to you for now. You'll learn the rest in your time being on the forums. Have a nice stay at Forgehub.
thanks 4shot, im a big forger and have been making detailed forges in halo 3 with the start new round glitch. even made a simple map called snipe camp that all my friends used back then . and i have made two towers on reach already, but the file corrupted . and your right i might just make the maps now and then remake them for halo 4. something else im ganna do for the CBA maps is play the game and get the feel for the maps so i dont blindly make them thinking that i am doing it right. ill check out quake 3 and see what the maps like and try to make it first. im ganna release a map i made this last weekend soon during a 24hour lockin. Im still working on a name for it, but right now its called Cross Roads. again thanks for your advice [br][/br]Edited by merge: i just saw the google sketchup program. thanks this will help alot, this way i can put previews of what the maps will look like ahead of time, and will be prepared for them when i do get on reach. thanks again 4shot!
For the Halo maps, instead of what you have, go with: Waterworks, Ice Fields, Standoff and/or Snowbound.
Good choices, but personally I'd go with Waterworks, Ice Fields, Uplift, Infinity, and Terminal. I've seen quite a few decent Standoff/Snowbound remakes, and they will do. The original two maps weren't that good, so they don't really need a remake. As I said before though, it would be better just to drop all the Halo remakes and go for the Combat Arms maps instead.
I'm just going with what, by my count, hasn't been made. Where did you find good remakes of Snowbound and Standoff? Can you show me? @OP Go with Ice Fields. It'd play well in Reach.
3 CA maps already made and ready I have recently (few weeks ago) made 3 of these combat arms maps Death Room = CTF and TDM Overdose = Infection, CTF, and TDM and Kill Creek = Infection, CTF, TDM, and SPY HUNT if you want to play these maps, (we need someone to get gameplay) my gamertag is HiddenCosts I am currently remaking, Junk Flea, Sector 25, and Warhead