@Reaper I agree, the Bungie Classic setting are currently not far from our own, they just seem to have slightly more grav which is fine, but most jumps can still be made, so i think that is something we will look into tweaking, also overkill pointed out a trick jump that needs adding so we will get to that in too, glad you enjoyed it :-D
Z fighting? Where? All had been fixed and I saved from recent history once I knew all z fighting was fixed. I do belive you are right on yellow glass chamber room and maybe me and dt can reduce objects for 4 split screen play. Although I haven't encountered problems yet. With the jumping. I feel that for this map the settings of 75% gravity and 110% jump feels more accurate . Go on to halo 3 and jump around a little to see what I mean, but again I agree if it was to go into classic maps it would have to be compatible with halo classic slayer settings. All taken on board.... but not for update on this version, that would be on a different version that dt192 and I will be working on in the near future. Thanks Lol
Oh! I think dt192 messaged me about this on XBL, I will have to check this out. Aesthetically this look amazing, I actually double taked a couple times thinking it was the real map from Bungie haha.
Oh my... this phenomenal! You even have those flood things! Every Cold Storage/Chill Out remake I've seen always look the same. Yours looks extremely extremely accurate. But yeah, I wish you could of made this sooner, you could of probably won the remake contest Forgehub had a while ago. And as Overkill said, you should pass it onto the cartographers for Team Classic. I would go on that playlist more often. One question. Is there any frame-rate issues in split-screen and Z-Fighting? Thanks!
Thanks for the feedback. Yes I am pleased with the outcome of the map. I have tested this many times. Tonight test were great. 1 player complained of framerate in test night, but he also had framerate issues on other maps that nobody else experienced. So I disregarded. me and dt192 both tested split screen this morning after a number of people asking, and we both agreed all was fine. There is minor z fighting in two places that I had fixed and checked, but returned somehow. And has annoyed me due to the amount of time and effort we both put in. There is also 1 extra trick jump that I need to add. Before I update post.
This is not only the best remake of Cold Storage I have seen, this is one of the Best Remakes. Period. I didnt know you co-forged this until now, but regardless, This map is amazing. You guys have truly raised the bar for what a remake can and SHOULD be! The attention to detail is amazing and I dont just mean the aesthetics, the height and the angle of all the jumps, ramps, platforms. The entire scale of the map is perfect and that says alot. This map is truly matchmaking worthy. I hope this gets featured on every site, spotlighted at bungie and turned into a machinima to reward your dedication to detail. Great work guys and thanks for the download!
My gamertag is Aleksnipez37. Join my game at 8:00pm on 15th June 2011 and i'll show you the spots that i have found and also which lights that i sort of think that fit. P.S. You could try to use object colours to give objects the same feel instead of using lights and colouring the whole room. For example, in the needler room, you could colour some of the objects purple. And you could replace the block 4x1's with struts and colour them yellow.
Thanks for the feedback. Generally I am happy, I have been re-forging problem areas. The main problem came from the square rounds I made, they re snapped after I fixed which was annoying. This alone made a large difference. Dt & I have also reforged the rocks behind glass and the corridor leading to it, as it needed the ceiling lowering. The extra corners you speak of must be the central walkways used vertically on either side. I agree that they are slightly different from original, but the piece both looks good and fills side in well. But I agree it needs a more appropriate piece. But again this is minor. In customs I have had no framerate issues. Although a few have complained.(1 In custom and 1 that posted) I belive connection has a large part to play. Also the colouring idea wouldn't look right as the original map doesn't have colouring to pieces. I couldn't afford to change 1*4 to struts. They wouldn't help framerate and they wouldn't look as good. There will be an updated version out soon. Once all areas have been vigorously checked over. And many more tests in multiplayer and split screen. Thanks for your feedback [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks for the feedback, you have been great help and I appreciate all your support on my maps. Testing has been great and I have thoroughly enjoyed. Speed flag is a great addition, and enjoyable to play. Feedback has been great too. I would love to see this in matchmaking, but as this is accurate the jump settings are different to classic customs default settings. Although this is a Halo3 remake and not either Halo CE or Halo2 which requires a different jump\run settings. I hope if it is used that the same settings me and dt set this to work on....as it feels perfect..... anyways a very optimistic hope of the cartographers and Bungie taking notice of this map. Thanks Thanks to all who have commented , dl'd and liked.... greatly appreciated. I couldn't have done this without the constant support from the forging community. Appreciated
I have to ask, simply because so many people neglect to adjust for it: is the map Elite-friendly? Other than that, I love the way it looks, one of the best, if not the best, remakes out there.
Very obvious lag in full screen and even worse in split screen. Waiting for the next version. In a normal game obviously. The main culprits are the glass used in the center of the map and all the stuff in yellow room. Coming from the top of the map and rounding the corner into yellow players are always hit with a bunch of lag and it makes going into that room unbearable. From the OS if you look at the wall looking directly into the center of the map there is more lag which makes it obvious that the glass must be removed/replaced.
I haven't experienced this major lag you talk of and I belive your decription of unbearable is your opinion. I understand how strongly you feel on the matter. 2 problems are caused by z fighting I belive. Although I haven't lagged out once. Also I wouldn't say it wasn't lagging on split screen, if it was. I checked and then updated. Agreed there is a high volume of objects throughout the map. But there is no severe lag. I have explained in previous comments about fixing z fighting . I have also reforged rock behind glass. If I remove the glass this isn't going to look right. I will be updating map once I am happy about split screen. Before you mentioned , I hadn't concidered, and I thank you for that and the advice. But I don't appreciate you giving viewers of this post the impression that this map is unplayable and suffering serious lag problems. Also I will add a version with the layout and not aesthetics, but in my opinion, there are already a number of versions that provide the layout. That was not my goal... mine was to make this look and feel like cold storage ... and I feel in this co forge with dt we have accomplished that.
I understand that forgehub forgers don't really care about frame rate and performance of the map under split screen but if you want it in matchmaking then it must abide by those strict rules. There is framerate and it is very noticeable and I'm sure you don't mind some but it is bad enough to exclude it from enjoyment in customs. DT told me that he will work on a better performance version for matchmaking. I have never been a fan of aesthetics > gameplay and forgehub certainly is.
I wouldn't generalize the community, there are many different styles of forgers. I am more aesthetics , but I do try to balance the both. After seeing your posts, I went about fixing areas. I have uploaded another version no my file share that I wanted you to look over. I went out to try and re create something... almost everyone I have shown or played customs have both really enjoyed playing and said lots of good things. I also tested this with 14 players team slayer as I wanted to make the map lag.... and no one complained.... no player said any unplayable frame rate. Anyways look at the newer version....if you want. It won't be uploaded here untill tested further. Also in the newer version I have removed 30+ objects... I also found a few that weren't in use. Obviously to get into classic would be as good as it gets in forging. There are 2 lights and 8 man canons that could be removed also 6 teleporters. It would effect looks but it would probably meet the high standards matchmaking requires. Just an idea.
Wow, really nice map man. I had my doubts about the frame rate because I picked up a little lag when I looked at it in forge. Ran it in custom games though and all I got was that little flicker you talked about. Nice work, I love this map
Thank you.... we have managed to get framerate better on this map.... I mean on the newer version. I need to update link, but I have trimed objects down, removed anything that was unnecessary, re forged rocks behind glass. Removed drop shield, found a few un-used pieces too. Now in customs it is working well. If anyone has doubts go in single player to see. I can't be held accountable for connection lag. But I assure single player is working well. I still need to do more work to fix split screen, but again with the improvements , this has gotten better. Thanks for commenting!
I guess I've been in this map snooping around just about from the beginning. If everyone knew how much time and care you guys took to get this map right and accurate they'd be even more impressed with the final result. I'm thnking, if Bungie wants to put a "close as it can get" remake in Matchmaking... this is the one. -ROCK-
This map is well forged, but suffers a little lag in certain points(For example in the main room) it's a trivial thing, however,i suggest to switch the sniper respawn into 180 seconds for balance purposes. At last i suggest to substitute the merged blocks into the "captured flood room" with single blocks,this will fix the lag in that room Again, good job on this remake, the most accurate i've ever seen Vote 9
@Super Majin Vegeta We are sticking to the original weapon/clip/spawns etc for this release, but in the cut down version we will probably tweak the spawn times slightly @The Trivial Prodigy I just tested, actually elite slayer works very well, if you set grav back to 100% and jump height to 110%, the extra jump height of the elite gives you a 140% total jump height which is just about right, and you can fit everywhere no probs, I'll give it a test play tonight see how people feel about the settings
Thanks for all comments. Sorry I didn't I didn't reply to question on elites , the map probably better suits elites as they have extra jump, would be able to have 110% jump and normal gravity. I staited earlier in post and thread that the map should be played with 75% gravity & 110% jump, I am unsure how elites will act with the lower gravity, in tests a couple have played as elites and not reported any issues. I have a new video of the map that's about to be added to post. Also new link to the updated version, this has areas reforged, corridors adjusted. 150 saved on budget, also removed atleast 50 different objects to improve framerate, mostly capture plates and flag stands used aesthetically. Hope the improvements are noticed in this final version of this map. Link on bottom of map. Thanks
I absolutely love this remake. Obviously, you couldn't include the flood-infected aesthetics, but it still seems to capture much of the same feel those original aesthetics provided. Very nice job.