This is an Invasion map with custom gametype. Elites Base is shown here: First Objective is to destroy the AA Gun. Shown here: Second Objective is to capture the Radar Dish. Shown here: Third Objective is to destroy the Red Base. Shown here: Full Overhead view of Angels Island:
First of all, nice map! I really enjoy the game play and how made the dish and Anti-Air gun. This reminds me a of in The Package campaign mission. You could add a little more to the red base to give that extra kick. Make every one say "Oooo," and "Ahhh" the second they see it. Overall, the map was forged well. Congratz!
Thanks. If you want we could head into forge and you could add a few ideas ? you will get the credit for it.
Overall the individual features look well forged but there is not much cover and the map looks very open. Also may I ask why the elites base has some human vehicles?
Umm, i beleive you used way to many peices for the red base, too many vehicles on map, too little cover( make moar mini towers/buildings), and improve the the AA gun. Its really sad. and you should work harder to reduce the amount of peices used on map so you can forge more things in more places. You only have four buildings, and theyre small and open. Make the vehicle and gun layout more spartan and covenanty, so its just better, and move the red base faaarrther away, and move the blue base farther out. Maybe the blue base can be on the cliffs or in the water, with a grid under the water. And make Weapons and vehicles spawn after each round, not have them all be available at once. And Spawn killing/camping seems easy. Also, try to make two different territories to capture per round, because one is very hard to get most of the time. And post weapons and vehicle list. And once again, give the covenant alien guns and vehicles, and give the Humans Human guns and vehicles. Just trying ta help. If i can think of more, ill tell you.
It was to be a big team battle but i wanted there to be a side of objective to the game and the vehicles are so that there is a variaty for each team. As for it being too open well the vehicles are there for a
The vehicles are there for a reason, and that is to provide support, not massively dominate. put cover on the dang map. And for the variety? Terrible Idea. Invasion is based off of elites vs. Spartans, and each team should get aranment pertaining to their species. Its not Spartans and elites vs. Elites and spartans. And what weapons are on the map! No weapons on the map? Whats up with that! SERIOUSLY. A map with this many vehicles needs weapons on it! Say a spartan laser and rockets, and sniper. all Invasion maps have weapons. ESSENTIAL :Spartans should spawn in red base, maybe as a backplace spawn. Have mongeese in the first phase their and give the covenant a ghost maybe and the humans a grenade launcher. but this particular detail is only if you want alot of vehicles on the map. this is a drastic suggestion. And give the covies 2 needle rifles normal spawn, and humans Dmr 20 sec spawn. Sorry If this blew your brain. Or just made you read too much. And, If you want, I could help you with the map if you want? Or not if you hate me for being too much of a critic. OKAYYYYYYYYYYYYY. to your recent edit
Well where to I didn't want to make it too far apart so that it would take missions to get for one side to the other. As for the buildings..well most of the fighting is to take place outside and the buildings are more landmarks than places of battle. The Weapons are the same as if you where playing normal invasion, there are no other weapons on the map, and more vehicles will spawn around the AA Gun once you complete the first objective. I will fix the vehicles for Spartans and Elites. You can't get into the red bese till the final objective because of two one way sheilds as for the blue base i'll take a better look at it. But all in all thanks for the advice. The map is just a start, with more feedback and testing it'll get better My first invasion map, and i admit it needs work. Critics are what make maps better (most of the once you get your game we will hit forge and twek the map. sound good ?
It honestly looks good from what I can tell, I'll try it out but much later in the week. But the pics do tell a tale, maybe put a story into why the Elites are fighting the Spartans for this specific point, like, that it houses some ancient Forerunner tech (Massive Halo: Cryptum fanboy) and that isn't needed although a story really interests some people, myself included if you wish I would be more than happy to do a write-up for this, as it has some major potential to be a epic map.