Top View of the Radar Dish. Front View of the Radar Dish. Side View of the Radar Dish. This can be used as a template or you can use it as it is. You can use it as part of a larger building or as a Landmark or as an Objective. I hope you like it and i will try and get a few more templates made. Thanks for reading.
This is it? That's all? All this is, is a badly made radar dish, and nothing else around it. You should've added more things around it, instead of just making one thing, because you can't expect people to make things out of your creation.
I have made a map with this and i put this here to give people an idea thats it. it may not be the best in the world but it's an idea.
Hmm it looks like a good map for 6v6. Gonna have to try it out. Does flag work i wonder? but seriously, you should expand on this. i like the idea of the radar dish, but c'mon, build a map out of it! like summit on BO, use this for inspiration for a map!
yeah i'm gonna upload a map that is on the island and it's for invasion or you can have play BTB [br][/br]Edited by merge: This is the map i made with this template and others that i was thinking of uploading too. let me know what you think.
I believe that you should of posted this int he map preview section of the forum i like the look of the radar dish, very simplistic yet effective. i believe that this could make a good centrepiece for a map