Wow, Feels like forever since i've posted my last map, but here's the casino, Casino Z. Thanks to the person who gave me this idea a few days ago by the way Its been a long 15 hours of almost straigh forging, hour after hour of placing decks of cards and slot machines... yeah. it gets boring when you forge the same thing twice.. let alone 4 or 5 times.. So thanks alot to people for all of there helpfull suggestions, timmypanic, virus11010, dt, and everyone else, its been a blast making this map.. so without further ado, here are the pics Casino Z. (I have fixed some flaws with the map, so if you redownload it they will be fixed, e.g: It now says "Casino Z instead of Casino S" and the bar is now alot smoother. sorry for any inconvienience.) Main entrance Those Damn Slot Machines A Poker Table More Poker tables Roulette(I was going and was able to put the numbers on the roulette board but i reached the item limit.. with like $2500 left..) The vault The security camera guarding the vault. "I'd like 500 chips pl0x" Where you get/buy your chips. Inside the crowded booth is where the workers sell the very nicely organized chips. Epic bar Epic bar sells Epic apples. Well thats all folks, And I hope you enjoy this map, pce out, ~Zath
Wow man. This is AMAZING! I love everything you've put down here, especially the big CASINO sign. This is an amazing aesthetic map! On par with Apartment 5B! Amazing~!
Zathy, your maps always have some original source to it. They are inspirational. I see you have changed the vault door, I liked it better with the bars but I guess you needed to save budget. Hahaha, there can never be a Zathy map without an apple. The whole thing is like a pimped out Apartment. Also, hax on the vid camera. Im assuming you used a sniper? Also, it was crazy fun when Fuzzy, you and I played on this. Acting as if you were the owner... and Fuzzy winning poker all the time...
You did it again man, sic!!! I see another feature in your near future. Insane attention to detail again, I love your style.
Oh boy, my thread is going to be forgotten. Just kidding. But really, this map is insanely awesome. I will never know how you made that camera. And one question; why do the slot machines have skulls (Kill boundaries) as them? Seems like it'd scare the gamblers away, having a skull staring at them while they try to get lucky.
Did you know that you put a S, not a Z.? Anyway, sick map. Your attention to detail is astounding. Even the cards have numbers on it. The chips and security camera are also very cool. I see some things that are in your other maps like the bar stools and apples, some things are to great not to add them again. Great job Zath!
Hahahaha I love It! A casino, great idea. The cards look awesome. I can't wait to get a closer looks at them. The Jackpot machines look great too. And that would have been awesome if you could have made Roulette with the numbers. I really do like your maps more than normal competitive maps. Honestly you've inspired some of the maps I'm working on right now. I working on my own version of Apartment 5B. I want you to check it out. I send you a message on Xbox and a friend request. Great job on the map. <3 Squidman33
Holy Crapples, this is insane. Im downloading purely to check out the camera lol. But seriously, great map, another awesum Zathy map, your attention to detail is inspiring.
Hello, it was great watching this latest idea unfold. A great idea and well executed. I love the whole idea and all the details are amazing. I especially like the slots. But it's all great. Don't know how the hell you forged the camera... its even got wires, also the centre piece in roulette is interesting, I'm guessing it uses several antenas. Giving effects no other forger has dared to create. Great job and I look forward to seeing the completed version.
haha thanks timmy panic for your support on this too, i was "if'y" wether i should post this map or not. it did not come up to my standards of forging.
Looks like you went with low ceilings after all, eh? Good choice, especially since you incorporated cameras. They'd be tough to see otherwise.
i left for a week thinking he will finish the city map which you did like the day I left which made me crap my pants but no i on my 5th day visit looking at this amazing art you have completed without me even getting a sneak peak... )= I love it all though down to the cameras and slot machines..... reminds me of fallout new vegas.... i want to kill everyone and take all the money =P
Nice slots, I tried to make slots for one of my maps a long time ago, but these are a lot lot better. Wish you could play on this too!
i wish that we could play on it. but thats physically impossible. and in this case. something is impossible. or is it..... I will give it a try!