Download Map So as I sit here enjoying a libation (that's a word I've never used before) I write about this ugly duckling and wish upon a star that it doesn't quickly get passed by the masses on appearance alone. I will start off with; this is not a pretty map. It was my first map and visually it shows. There is far to heavy a use of premanufactured structures. Even though it it's not an attractive map and suffers prefab issues I ask that you download and play at least two solid matches on it. As much as I wish this map was far more awesome looking, it just isn't yet I still can't deny it's playability. If there is one thing this map excells at it is it's ability to give everyone a fair chance regardless of play style. Not only everyone but every weapon. I have never been on a map that constantly has a different weapon being the main tool of destruction. Even the plasma launcher has owned this map. It is a small-er map, yet still offers good use of close, mid and ranged weapons. Due to the abundance of heavy weaponry on this small map it forces the use of every weapon. The time you spend trying to get to your favorite weapon will get you killed. Though the map has plenty of close quarters some of the biggest fights will be ranged. Every inch of this map gets used and every weapon is in play. The only real issue lies in it's 1v1 play. If you have an experienced sniper and are not much of a sniper killer it can become a little one sided. Once you hit 3 players and up the sniper is just another player on the field. I have tried to trash talk this map again and again and I keep getting told why I need to shut up and enjoy it. It seems that for all it's flaws it has managed to capture peoples desire to play. For the best experience I would recommend staying as close to 4 players as possible. 1v1 is doable but I would almost recommend dropping the sniper. I would also recommend raising the hidden teleporter if you are playing with someone who has a bad ping. Dieing for no reason does suck. What can I say, I love end to end man canons. Left side launches to the roof on the right. So is that more clear? Will it hit? Nope. The sword walkway. A fan favorite. He's totally not gonna see me jumping from here. I love these fights. I believe hammer won for those that are curiuos. I think I'm going to have to be content as the guy who posts too many damn screen shots. This was cut down from 40 I hope you know.
Open-air maps set right on the water are always cool. Even better if they're asymmetrical. I am a little concerned about lag/framerate, considering your choice of objects (the glassy bridges, I see at least three buildings, it's open so the game will have to draw and feature the FW environment throughout the battle). Regardless, you have got yourself a DL.
Yah, I'm kind of starting find myself falling into the symmetrical rutt. I've got a couple symmetrical maps coming and any ides I've had have kind of gone that way. Fortunetly I also have a map comming that is completely assymetrical and to my knowledge a totally new gametype. It's intense and hella fun. Just got to work out the last couple kinks. As for frame rate issues there are none on this map. We play four player split and have never experienced the slightest bit of lag. I didn't even understand how people made laggy maps until more recently. I made a map a month ago that plays smooth as silk with single screen multiplayer but chops violently in split screen. I think I may still upload.
Interesting map, kinda reminds me of one I did ages ago called Skyrunner but without tons of framerate issues lol You could try smoothing out some of the rocky areas to make navigating easier and nade tosses less random.
Smooth the rocks - what the . . are you . . you can't be . . get some skills boy! They are rocks, learn to jump and throw. I've never heard of military men out in the field saying, "Gee, I don't know, could we cut down all these tree's, and smooth out the rocks. Yah, I don't want to trip on anything and all my grenade tossing skills were practised in gym class. Can you put in a Starbucks? How can you expect me to kill under these conditions!?" You MUST be from the city. So, um . . . No. We've been playing this map for 8 months and I have never heard any problems with that. Most areas that are supposed to be smoother rocks are and most others are fricken rocks. PS. I'm not trying to give you are hard time but, yah, I kinda am.
This is a video game, everything should be streamlined for player enjoyment. Nades flying in random directions in the middle of heated battles isn't exciting, its frustrating. I understand the purpose of these areas extends beyond the realm of aesthetics, you wanted them to effect gameplay. It is just my opinion that it effects it negatively. Also, jumping down peoples throats that critique your map isn't much encouragement to bother posting.
You didn't get your throat jumped down, you got ribbed. Hence the "PS" at the bottom of the note and general smartassyness (yah that's a word) of my entire comment. Come on man. You're at FH, you need take things more lightly. I understand what you are saying but please understand that this is not a map made out of rock it is a map that has rocks included. If I was struggling to get through a map that was entirely built from rock then I would be pissed but if a rock is just being a rock then you need to take that into account. So have you downloaded and played the map yet? Where and how are you getting stuck? The only spot I know of that anyone has ever had a problem when you first move from the building to the tunnel and nobody has a complaint because it looks like you should jump.
I really like this map, the open areas and various levels are really interesting. I'm glad I found your slew of maps, they're quite enjoyable
Glad you liked the map. I've actually tried editing the damn thing probably 30 times to make it look better, but it either makes no impact or ruins gameplay. I've also tried to make an extended version of this map but it just ends up feeling wrong. In the end it is what it is, an ugly fun map. I did however fix the hidden teleport problem but never got around to uploading. How did you like the map pack? The one thing I really like about all of my maps is that they are almost night and day different from each other. If you really did download the pile I would be interested in your opinion of Hornets Nest. There's been over 280 downloads of that unique map since the first version and all I've gotten is a not so stellar review from the review hub. PS. I have an old revision of a soon to be released map sitting around in my fileshare if you'd like a sneak peak. It's a pretty tiny map though so you may want to just bring in a friend or two.