I just got the account maybe a few days ago, but I am buildng a map and have MOST of the skeletal structure done, unless I can think of other things to add. I was wondering if anyone on here would like to look the structure over, maybe give a few ideas or pointers. I'm not sure if this is the correct board to ask such a thing, but if not I do apologise in advance.
If you take screenshots of your map you can post a map preview here and many people including myself will gladly look over your map to suggest changes and help you out with any problems.
EDIT: ^what the ninja?! Correct board. I won't be getting online anytime soon but Im sure someone else could help. Another thing you could do is take screenshots of your map so far and post it in this thread or as a 'preview' and you will definitely get a lot more help.
That sounds good, except I know I'm not good at taking screenshots of a map. LOL. I'm not sure the best angles to use, and this or that. But hmmm. I can try perhaps. If i can even remember HOW to do screenshots.
Just be sure to take an overview screenshot, and the more you take the better people can understand the layout of the map. I feel like such a ninja today crypto.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-custom-content/104926-how-post-screenshots.html Thats the guide to screenshots, and as far as angles, just try to get ones that show your map fairly well, and give just enough that people can get a feel for how your map is laid out.
Well how about taking them? It's been a while since I even tried doing that in a Halo game. How do you take screenshots?
o ok, first play a game on the map or just use footage from your forge game if you want us to see spawns and all of that. Then go into the Theater, and find the game you played on the map. From there just fly around (hit y a few times to get to move the camera where ever you want) the take screenshot button is on the far left. once you take the screen shots they automatically load onto bungie.net. If you go to your user profile on the left side navigation you will find "Recent Screenshots" from there you will see all your recent ones. Just save them to your computer and then upload to your host of choice and post.
Ah ok. I see. Well, I have no spawns set yet, I have no weapons or ANYthing else for that matter. For the moment I am focusing on the skeletal structure of the map itself before I decide spawns and weapon placements. Of course I may get help with that to figure out the best spots, though I DID have an idea for the capture the flag and the assault games, I still haven't placed that, but thanks for the info.