Awesometown! Created by Ladnil Recommended Gametypes: All Competitive Gametypes, All MLG Gametypes Recommended Players: 6-8 Ladnil will tell you that any successful map starts with 'One Big Idea,' a common term often applied to many creative applications, but with map designs it can be loosely described as the basic gameplay principle that the creator is aiming for with their design. With Awesometown!, Ladnil's One Big Idea was to recapture that opening Sniper duel which characterised maps like Narrows and The Pit, an experience which he has nailed perfectly. What sets maps like The Pit, Narrows, and now Awesometown! apart from other maps with opening Sniper duels (such as the somewhat unwelcome changes made to the Sanctuary design in Asylum) is ensuring that the position of this key weapon facilitates the initial battle without becoming overbearing for the opening paths taken by other players. Though don't be fooled in to thinking that Ladnil's latest creation is a one trick pony focused solely around this initial power weapon rush, the diversity it offers for in depth team play extends its similarity to one of the examples given above: The Pit. Those of you with a keen memory may recall one of the first MLG maps I ever featured back in the days of Halo 3, Omni by Baron. A re-imagination of The Pit, Omni attempted to combat the main design issue with this Halo 3 classic: it's central wall which often left gameplay stagnant, especially in high level Slayer games. By making this central space playable, offering access from one end of the map to the other, Baron ensured that the middle ground served not only to divide the two sides but also offered a valuable control point in itself, pulling gameplay out of the bases to speed things up a little. With Awesometown!, Ladnil takes this principle a few steps further. Many of the key elements from designs like The Pit are left in tact; there is no sweeping, open line of sight between the two initial spawns, green side offers a semi-enclosed side path holding Rockets, and of course the opposing Snipers also remain. However, The Pit's central wall and Omni's middle canyon are replaced with a fully fledged arena housing an Active Camo, and turning this central divide in to a full area in its own right maintains the sense of separation without encouraging an element of stagnation when things get tense. Ladnil's drastic rethink of this design principle utilisises the premise of a central divide to actually increase and diversify the playspace rather than simply divide and restrict it. We recommend Awesometown! for MLG CTF and Assault gametypes in particular, and whilst Slayer games will seem a little slower at first, as players become more familiar with the map they will become more aware of exactly how to utilise a more aggressive, coordinated approach and just how beneficial it can prove to be. Download Awesometown! You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
First. Seriously though, this deserves it. I absolutely love this map. Really, REALLY, good for mlg. Probably one of my most played in terms of 4v4 maps during custom games. Grats on Arti Ladnil, you deserve it.
I love this map. Some of the best gameplay ever. Totally deserves this; I was disappointed and surprised that it didn't win a FHF.
awesome town indeed! Clean and nice los! whats in the second picture? Looks like a flying mascot with a giant head
I haven't played this map, but knowing Ladnil it's probably a fun, well-forged map. However I would to point this out: And no, I'm not trying to advertise.
I don't know you, but congrats on the feature and on becoming an Artisan. I've only heard great things about this map. Keep it up.
lol we'll call mine a sequel then. I didn't put a whole lot of thought into naming this map, so sorry if you're actually irritated by the repeat name. Yours does lack punctuation though The name of this one was basically just the work in progress name (I think it's pretty common for us forgers to use silly WIP names) but then a whole bunch of drama happened on the MLG forge forum when I was getting ready to give the map a "serious" name and post it. It just seemed to me like everyone was taking forging way too seriously so I left the name silly and wrote a sarcastic forum post to go against the flow of negativity and tryhard-ness that I thought was a major problem in the forge community at the time. Cool story bro. But seriously, we need some more cool people posting maps on the MLG forge forum. If you guys think your maps are good enough for the MLG playlist or circuit, definitely lay down an MLG weapon setup and post them over there. More competition for the circuit map slots is always good so long as it remains friendly competition imo. See my sig for details.
Not having looked in the MLG forums since I noticed the difference between competitive and MLG maps, this is the first ive seen of this map other than the FHF om-nom-nominations a while back. Great work on the aesthetics, but now that I know that this plays with regular competitive gametypes and what its supposed to be, Ill DL. PS: That Featured map Banner is a major improvement, keep it.
This. Very much this. Its not actually new, when the whole batch of new front page banners were made there were 3 different ones for features produced. They were meant to be rotated but we kinda just forgot about the others, been wanting to use this one ever since I found it again.
I'm not bothered by it, I just thought I'd put it out there. It's funny watching everyone say "wow, this map has such a cool/unique name" when I actually thought of it ages ago. Anyways, I downloaded this and I'll check it out today. It does look very solid. I'm actually a member over at MLG, but my maps tend not to be competitive enouh to translate particularly well to MLG.
Downloading it as we speak. Just to give it a quick look in Forge and maybe do some customs on it later.
I haven't played the map yet but I did download it a while ago. Now it somewhere hidden in my HD. Well Congrats Ladnil for he premium and feature! Off Topic: The new Feature Banner is a lot better than the old one, the old one got boring fast. Im looking forward to the third one you were talking about.
TECHNICALLY, we have one for mini-games, one for competitive, and one for aesthetic... its just, certain journo's don't check and just use whichever was on the previous article.
'Grats Linda, one of my favorite maps in Reach at the moment. No, it definitely doesn't need more Truck .