
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by zombified panda, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. zombified panda

    zombified panda Forerunner

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    by Zombified Panda


    Some believe the facility is haunted because of the mysterious island it was built next to, stairway's popping up from nowhere and bridges appearing before your very eye's. Try to survive to unlock the islands secrets!

    I try to make all my slayer maps fun and unique, Eroded is no different. This time i was experimenting with a map that evolves throughout the game.

    *The first thing that changes is on the second floor in the middle (sword room). Two "one way" shields appear on either side and two shield doors looking out towards the island 40 seconds in the match.
    *The next to appear is a stairway to the third floor located in the same room as the last, appearing after 90 seconds.
    *Last to change is the "choppy bridge" located outside between the two bases, appearing 115 seconds in the match. (This is where rockets spawn every 120 seconds)

    So your environment is slightly evolving, causing you to constantly change strategy throughout the match. I also really love how rockets are on the map but it doesnt spawn until the bridge appears, so the only two things to rush for in the beginning is the sniper rifle or overshield . I hope like it and thank you to everyone who helped play test!

    Game Types:
    One Bomb Assault
    Capture The Flag
    Multi Flag CTF
    One Flag CTF
    Classic Slayer
    Elite Slayer
    Slayer Pro
    Bro Slayer


    Weapons & Powerups:
    x4 DMR - 30sec - 2s.c
    x2 Needle Rifle - 30sec - 2s.c
    x2 Needler - 45sec - 2s.c
    x2 Plasma Pistol - 30sec - 0s.c
    x2 Grenade Launcher - 90sec - 3s.c
    x2 Gravity Hammer - Never - 0s.c
    x2 Frag Grenade - 30sec
    x2 Plasma Grenades - 30sec
    x1 Sniper Rifle - 180sec - 1s.c
    x1 Rocket Launcher - 120sec - 0s.c
    x1 Overshield - Never
    (x1 Energy Sword- only for looks)

    This is blue base, each base is symmetrical.

    If you're going outside you can go strait..

    or take a left and go through the grenade launcher tunnel.

    Once outside, you can take the man cannon to snag the overshield (only spawns once)

    Or you could go to the third floor,

    when you spawn just turn around..

    and head up the stairs to the long hall.

    If you're on the first floor and you would like to go up to the third floor..

    just take my fancy teleporter.


    In the middle of the long hall between the two bases, you'll see this is where the sniper spawns..

    Take a left and you can drop down to the second floor's middle room.

    Second floor's middle room, or the sword room as i like to call it! This is where things start getting fun!

    40 seconds into the match things will start to change, like the "one way" shield on each side of the sword room.

    Also shield doors will spawn at the same time..

    In the back of the sword room.

    Next to appear in the sword room is the..

    stairway to the third floor after 90 seconds and the sword itself. (not a playable weapon, just my signature)

    Last to spawn is the..

    choppy bridge located right outside in reaches beautiful forgeworld.

    This is where..

    rockets spawn, so make sure your the first one there after 120 seconds!

    Dont forget there's a healthpack on the first floor at your base, so remember to heal up before going back into battle!

    Well that about cover's the basics, i hope you like it! Please download/ recommend and let me know what you think. I leave you now with a few action shots.






    #1 zombified panda, Jun 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2011
  2. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    you used some pieces in realy realy cool ways, Im gonna have to download and tear it apart so i can see whatcha did
  3. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I really like the layout of this map. Simple and easy to learn, with enough complexity to keep things interesting in the long run.

    My only possible complaint would have to be the seemingly random kill barriers at the edges of the long hallway. I see what you were going for with them, its definitely interesting, but I believe this map would be better off without it.
  4. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The funny thing is that I remember playing on this with you, but I don't remember if I had you on my FL or not.

    Anyways, I really liked the flow to this map. It was smooth, yet fast paced. I felt like I had to keep moving all the time and I really like that in a map. The aesthetics are amazing especially your teleporters ;) While playing CTF, I noticed that it was hard to score the flag with all of the many pathways enemies could pop out from, but that's hardly a bad thing. Also, I wasn't too fond of the kill ball. Even though you told me you like it, I really think you should remove it. Overall, I had some good games on this map and I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.

    Add me on XBL if you want to forge or play some games on this map.
  5. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The Respawn zone is a boundary where a team will respawn inside. For example, you should see no red team respawns outside the red team Respawn Zone. This means that they should not respawn in the red Weak Respawn Zones, since the Weak Respawn Zones lie outside their corresponding team's Respawn Zone.

    If you eliminate all anti and weak respawn zones, the spawning behavior should be identical. If you want the blue team to spawn outside near the kill balls, you need to extend the blue team Respawn Zone over those points.

    The above could change if you include Stock Pile, depending upon where the SP zone is located.

    For FFA, all respawn points are available.

    BTW, I love the aesthetics.
    #5 MrGreenWithAGun, Jun 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2011
  6. zombified panda

    zombified panda Forerunner

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    @ TOMisHIGH
    Thank you, my goal aesthetically is to make something unique enough to make forger's look twice.

    @ FriedFoodStuffz
    I go by a set of my own rules when forging, one of them is k.i.s.s (keep it simple stupid). So your comment made me smile. Another rule of mine is no teleporters, they cause too much camping. By placing the soft kill over the teleporter exit, it eliminated most camping while having the benefit of fast travel. If you don't like them your more than welcome to remove them, the same way "TOMisHIGH" up there is welcome to destroy it all.

    @ Eightball
    Thank you for your help testing, ill add you next time i'm online!

    @ MrGreenWithAGun
    Thanks for helping, ill remove the anti, weak and stretch the RZ to the entire red/blue base. Ill also make a few more minor tweaks to WOM then post an update.
    #6 zombified panda, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011

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