Skyline Ravine

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by RogueWolf, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Created by chrisFREER
    A Château lies at the top of this ravine, towards the bottom you will find a castle, a cablecar bridges the two. Red holds the castle, blue the Château and a cablecar spans the ravine. Quite simple, right?
    Now what Spartan doesn't like to capture a flag? Well...quite simply its what they live for! War is a distraction from their love of flags, shiny, fluttery flags!
    Well if you want to get a new flag for your collection, you're going to have to cross the ravine, tricky one. You can either run across the cable above the cable car. It's exposed, but its fast, or you can take a route around the side, its longer but less exposed!
    Now some of you will be thinking "What about elites?" Well they were holidaying up in the château, so their reasons for being here is to give whichever spartans they feel like sore heads for interrupting their vacation!

    Each team has:
    3 DMRs
    2 Plasma Grenades

    Neutral power Weapons:
    rocket Launcher on cablecar (neutral)
    Sniper rifle on the cliff parallel to cablecar (easier for blue to get to)
    Energy Sword in the ground floor of the castle (easier for red to get to)

    Compatible with slayer (8 man)
    CTF (10-16) well you could have less, but 10 would be pretty awesome, don'tcha think?

    I suppose half of you didn't even read most of that? Impatient for the good stuff, the pictures? Well you can't have any!

    Oh, fine, here. Just stop looking at me like that!

    The ravine:

    One isn't enough? You're a demanding lot!

    The Château, big, blue and lots of glass. A nice modern feel, wouldn't you like to holiday here? You'll find the blue flag in the cable car docking station.

    Something here is out of place, and not the terrible interior decoration

    If you're the kind of person who likes pictures of rooves, these two will be right up your street [​IMG]

    The Castle Roof, big, isn't it?

    The downstairs entrance into the castle. Slightly collapsed. We'll get someone to clear it up for you later, once you've damaged it even more. Especially if you'll all be fighting for that Energy Sword.


    A large winding staircase from the ground to the roof, with a third option(aren't you lucky?) onto the second floor with the cablecar and red flag

    Talking of which, this is it!

    Thanks to the Testers guild for testing this and their reccomendations on the preliminary map. Seriously, if you don't use them, do so! Thanks to SynysterAndy for his help, the cable would've taken infinitely longer without him! Thanks to you for looking. And free cookies to anyone who downloads! Two if you comment as well!

    Seriously though, hope you like it! and there are no cookies...
    #1 RogueWolf, Jun 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2011
  2. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm surprised that no one has commented on this map yet! Then again, it was posted only 30 minutes or so ago... I think this map has inspired me to build a neighborhood! Fetch me a pen and paper because I must make a sketch at once!

    Okay on topic... Nice original idea. I like how on one side it's cozy and looks decorated with the other side being all built for war. The spiral staircase in the castle looks cleanly forged. One thing you could fix are the rocks. They look kind of thrown together. I know you may have run out but maybe make them look more natural. Maybe use some medium rocks to make it seem cleaner and use flat rocks to fill in some holes, but maybe you were running out of rocks, which is fine. I don't really have a feel for the chateau inside. Can you give us a couple more photos? I like the broken wall in the castle with the energy sword. It gives it an old feel. On the ground, it seems there isn't very much cover. Maybe add a couple blocks or structures to give it a more aesthetic feel.

    I like the idea of the map! Nice job!
  3. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    First off, thank you!
    Second of all, you're right, it was nigh on impossible to make the cave loop around the back of the map and I had to scavenge from the main walls, unfortunate but necessary.
    Third point, It's very tight and difficult to get pictures of the inside, but I'll see what I can do
    Final point, glad I got the feel right. There's no budget left for cover, but as there is a large mound in the centre of the ground it doesn't have large sight lines so it should be fine (and it wouldn't protect you from the main threat, above, anyway)
  4. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    Aesthetically, this map is very sexy. But that is about it. I can't see how this map could possibly function on a competitive level. The interiors are too narrow, and the only ways across the ravine are too exposed. Gameplay would devolve into taking potshots at each other, then the team with the lead camping there base the rest of the game.

    Great concept, but this belongs in the casual or aesthetic sections.
  5. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    The ravine isn't actually that huge an area, the sides that you enter to get to the ground are fully enclosed as well! and as I said before, the main threat crossing it is other people on the same side of the hill or from above. Given a bit of teamwork you'll be able to supress those on the upper levels and the person on the ground should make it across.
    In the interior of the blue side it's narrow (it's also a smaller building), giving a CQC element, in the red side it is a lot more open. Red has easier access to the energy sword to make it easier when they get into the blue side, whereas the blue has easier access to the sniper to counter this and keep the reds suppressed more. And when I say easier I mean it's a few seconds closer (if you take the most direct route, including dropping) so I found it generally balances out.

    At the end of the day I guess it depends how you play, I prefer to make my maps force a level of co-operation though, so long as people fulfill roles to counter another team's person and their role it'll all balance out nicely.

    Besides which, if you can't get it to work out for you in team games, you could play it in FFA slayer (I'll try to re-add a third route tomorrow and make it KoTH compatible)!
  6. xX Zoidberg20

    xX Zoidberg20 Forerunner

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    Honestly I really like the look of this map and the use of the cable car theme. I would be the one taking the cable car all the time and trying to dodge shots. Do you think jetpacks would be a viable way to get around the map if so it cold solve some of the issues of getting from one base to another and make for some scary death from above assasinations.

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