Villa By: GHU Slammer (With help from GHU Jockmaster) Map Link The first map I made. Villa is a symmetrical map with teams starting in their own beat up garage. The only way I could think to show it beat up... was to purposely make it look sloppy with cracks and things like that. I wanted it beat up so that people couldn't camp inside it (Picture of how it prevents campers below). Both garages are adjacent to the same courtyard. This courtyard has plenty of cover to hide from the sniper booths and the balconies. From the spawn you have four options: turning into the courtyard, going for the active camo, climbing the stairs to the lower balcony, or climbing the "ladder". The ladder is just a bridge positioned so that it gives the feel of a ladder because of how your view moves and also your speed of going up. If you choose the courtyard you can turn to the active camo from here, move to the other team's spawn side, or go through the walkway to the first balcony. The first balcony goes from one side to the other. The second balconies are only connected by bridges that run across. On the bridge there is a single machine gun turret. From the second balconies you are able to get to their corresponding sniper booths. Compatible Gametypes: Slayer Oddball Assault(Includes Neutral Assault) Capture the Flag King of the Hill Infection Preferred Gametypes: Team Slayer Capture the Flag Assault(Includes Neutral Assault) Infection Weapons: Amount of Weapon- Weapon Name/ Spawn Time: Extra Clips (Spawn at Start) 1- Shotgun/ 60: 1 (Yes) 4- SMG/ 20: 2 (Yes) 1- Needler/ 60: 1 (Yes) 1- Rocket Launcher/ 120: 0 (No) 2- Battle Rifle/ 45: 1 (Yes) 4- Battle Rifle/ 30: 2 (Yes) 2- Sniper Rifle/ 90: 2 (Yes) 2- Carbine/ 45: 2 (Yes) 1- Machine Gun Turret/ 90 (Yes) Equipment: Amount of Equipment- Equipment Name/ Spawn Time (Spawn at Start) 1- Bubbleshield/ 60 (Yes) 1- Power Drain/ 90 (Yes) 1- Active Camo/ 120 (Yes) 6- Frag Grenades/ 10 (Yes) 6- Plasma Grenades/ 10 (Yes) Vehicles: Amount of Vehicle- Vehicle Name/ Spawn Time (Spawn at Start) 4- Mongoose/ 30 (Yes) Map Model: Map Pictures: Overview Beat Up Garage Walkway (Needler Moved) Sniper Booth Courtyard Action Pictures: Hiding Behind Courtyard Cover Snipe From One Sniper Booth to Another Snipe From Sniper Booth Through Crack In Beat Up Garage Jumping Stick Friend Sniping Me When I Have On Active Camo Please reply if I did anything wrong and I will gladly fix it.
I've played this with friends, and it was a blast. My one friend also got in a bunch of his friends and they all loved it.
Thanks, yeah I really wanted my first map and post on Forge Hub to be good, so I spent my time watching for what people liked and what they criticized on.
Did you draw up that model after you made the map.. or base the map off that image you found? I will give it a shot but where are the flag spawns? The pictures seem like the sniper has a huge advantage on this map. It might not be the case but 2 clips is a lot on a open map like this.
this looks like a pretty cool design. i've tried making a tunnel out of bridges but it didn't really work out. good job looks nice!
nice map, it might be fun with a different kind of gametype, like juggernaut or some kind of slayer where the leader is weak, idk.
I made the map, then drew up the model off the top of my head because my 360 was messed up... I did my best with it and it is close enough to get the idea. The flags spawn inside the garage. The sniper really doesn't control the map like you would think. If he sits in the booth to sniper, his line of sight is not enough to protect himself from everything. The sniper is unable to shoot anyone behind the cover in the courtyard, and it is easy to throw grenades into the booth and then flank him. If he is anywhere else, he is just a sitting duck to be teamed up on.
The only thing to say: "The Map Model looks way better than the map itself. I have been deceived!"
Add some crap such as barrels or crates to the garages to give them more the beat up effect. Just some good aesthetics.
Will definitely be in v2. Thanks for the idea. How about knocked over barrels and stuff up against the walls?
Wow this looks like an interesting thing. I think he might've used Google Sketch to make that computer simulation design. If he did that just to show off his map, he must be extremely confident with it. So I'm going to download, just because hes that confident. You never really see many confident people like that on here.
the sniper really doesnt control as much as you think, but good teamwork really helps (i was one of the ones to test the map) and yes, thats Sketch Up
Jeffy???? Anyways, yeah I used Sketch Up... just because it allows you to show the map without having to worry about walls getting in your way from in-game overviews.
Looks like a cool map, but I don't think it's worth a DL. Spen some more time on making different levels and more objects. Otherwise its very cool.