Revball Arena (Revball 4)

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Wheels36, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. Wheels36

    Wheels36 Ancient
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    Revball has been featured on both the Forgehub and Bungie frontpages as well as recently Halo Waypoint. The game keeps gaining popularity and evolving. The time has come to retired the old Splatterdome. It was originally designed for a different gametype, but served Revball well....with a few flaws. The stadium was a little boring and not aesthetically pleasing, the balls kept getting stuck in the corners, and there was the issue of where to put spare vehicles when at less than maximum players. Now I have designed a brand new stadium from the ground up with Revball in mind.

    I proudly introduce Revball Arena



    Current Gametype: Revball (Updated 05/17/11)
    Current Map: Revball Arena (Updated 06/09/11)

    Gamertag: Revball Players
    This is Revball's friends list. Add it to find people to play with.

    For more complete information on Revball visit the forums at Revball Central
    Here you will find detailed information, tips, discussion, and announcements about the game, you can find likeminded players to play with, and there is a complete listing of all the Revball map variants I have found online and another list just starting of other vehicle oriented mini-games. Check it out!

    So you want to play Revball? Lets enter Revball Arena...




    Revball is Halo Reach's version of soccer, but using revenants. Players and vehicles are invulnerable and hijacking and assassinations are disabled, so stifle those slayer tendencies and keep your focus on the ball! The revenant's cannon is ideal for shooting the ball around the stadium. With skill, you can become a crack shot at scoring from a distance. If the opportunity arises, you can also use the revenant's boost to get up close and personal and ram the ball into your opponents' goal! The point is scored instantly, fireworks go off from around the goal and your team's vehicles, and then the ball drops down through the ceiling to keep the action going. The game continues until 10 points are scored or the 10 minute timer expires.




    At each goal, the team's revenants spawn in 2 locations. The first one spawns just outside the goal. This is Alpha Spawn. The other 3 revenants spawn in the Vehicle Bay behind their own goal. Simply jump in and drive thru the one-way shield door onto the field. After 15 seconds of gametime, teleporters spawn under the vehicle bay to teleport you out when you step in a vehicle. This stops shady camping inside the goal. If you are out of the vehicle too long and it respawns back in the the vehicle bay (behind the one-way shield) just step on the capture plate in front of the goal. Underneath is a hidden teleporter that will transport you inside the vehicle bay to get your vehicle.



    The large goal with the orange shield door is worth one point, but in Revball, there are TWO ways to score! Above your opponents' goal is a small square with a circular target. Hitting the target is worth 3 points! The frame around each 3 point goal is called the Gravity Ring, that will magnetically suck in the ball if it touches it or nears the center of the ring in the air. This happens via 4 tin cups behind each 3 point goal. Also, the slanted crossbar across the top of the regular goal allows shots to be ramped up into the 3 pointer hole. Still, don't think this will be easy. 3 pointers are NOT an every-game occurance and are quite rare. If the ball is being sucked in by the gravity ring, it can still be knocked out by the cannon shots. If your opponent is about to get 3 points, shoot it out quickly. If your ball is getting sucked in by the gravity ring, ram your opponents or shoot them to blind them so they can't stop your points.


    Use teamwork! Don't just all chase the ball around madly. The revenant has a boost, but it is still not very fast and the ball will outrun you. Its much better to space out your team to cover the field and try to 'pass' the ball to one another. A usual tactic is to have someone play goalie on defense, one player as a striker near the enemy goal, and the other 2 player play midfield. Players can switch up positions as the game progresses to keep things fresh. A good goalie is very important because the walls to the sides of the goal are at 60 degree angles to funnel the ball in towards the goal.



    With practice, you can learn to use the cannon to make the ball go where you want. Most of the time its better to shoot near the ball than directly at it. Shooting the ground/wall around the ball makes it go in the opposite direction. Learn to 'slice' the ball sideways over enemy players to your teammates and give you the advantage. Hitting just behind and under the ball can cause it to pop up in the air for a 3 point chance. Also, its best to learn how to time the ball fall time and cannon shot so that you can 'spike' the ball out of mid-air and send it flying into the opponents' goal.

    Here is a youtube video of a complete Revball game.
    YouTube - ‪Revball Arena (Revball 4)‬‏

    Points of interest in video are...

    1:10 Shows me using the teleporter under capture plate to get my vehicle from the Vehicle Bay.
    5:20 Shows me 'spiking' the ball out of midair for a score
    6:50 Shows me 'slicing' the ball sideways over my opponents
    #1 Wheels36, Jun 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  2. Matt Master1

    Matt Master1 Forerunner

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    This is really cool! Nice job! It looks fun to play without getting too boring. They should make this a playlist in matchmaking! My only small suggestion is to maybe add gravity lifts or something to reduce the amout of time the ball goes to the sides, there was a lot of times it went into the corners.
  3. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hate to tell you this, but you double-posted this thread. -_-


    Likes Received:
    The new Splatterdome looks much better man, great job. I'm suprised I haven't seen this in Action Sack yet. Always a good time. Gotta nuther download and like from me.

    AMALGAMATIQN Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Love Revball. Love Revball Arena. A+.

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