The Rock

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Mechanophobia, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. Mechanophobia

    Mechanophobia Forerunner

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    A Forge Creation By Mechanophobia
    Hello Everyone, May I present you my latest map, The Rock. The Rock is a Maximum Security Prison inspired by the famous prison that shares the same name. The Rock boast a Lighthouse, Armory, Cafeteria, Visiting Rooms, A Yard, Watchtowers, A Police Patrol Boat, A Library and More. I designed the rock several ways to escape. The Rock is purely designed for Cops and Robbers only.

    Looking at prisons and particularly the Alcatraz, I realized I need to make the map with a industrial feel, but yet retain the layout and organization of an actual prison. I feel that I have found a good balance between aesthetics and playability. I hope you guys enjoy and comment.



    Guard Booth

    The Yard

    The Visiting Room




    Guard Room


    Patrol Boat

    Falcon Landing Pad

    Entrance-Race for Freedom!

    The Rock Overview

    Weapons List
    1x Gravity Hammer
    1x Sniper Rifle
    1x Rocket Launcher
    2x Grenade Launchers
    2x Shotguns
    2x Spikers
    2x Plasma Pistols
    3x DMRs
    1x Assault Rifle

    Vehicle List
    1x Falcon
    1x Warthog
    1x Mongoose
  2. ZombieGuitarist Alex

    Senior Member

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    with a map titled as such, I was expecting a huge Dwayne Johnson statue.

    but, I do like cops and robbers, and this map looks fitting. The place seems to be layered nicely, too, to give it that more realistic appeal. Perhaps I would suggest a bit more stuff to maybe congest the map a bit? Possibly some sandbags or crates in appropriate places?
  3. Bio Cobalt

    Bio Cobalt Forerunner

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    Oooh a cops and robber map! Yeah this looks really bland and boring, BUT its a prison and i think you captured that atmosphere perfectly! Looks really fun, with unique designs not found in many other maps like it. Gonna have to try this out next time i play Cops n Robbers
  4. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    When building maps like these, armories are the worst possible thing you can do. It makes anyone become over powered and becomes the hot spot for a map making every other area become forgotten. If you are to keep an armory split it up and make it a lot more open on the map by giving like 5 or more enterences. This way other people have a chance! Overall the armory will over power players. If I were you I'd make it a one time use for a player or something of the sort, find a way to lessen the power of it!

    Overall everything else on the map is very well built and looks enjoyable. Good job! :)
  5. timothy pumpkin

    timothy pumpkin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah bland and boring, but from the FX you have grasped the boringness of the big grey Colosseum walls and made it look half decent, yes love a bit of cops and robbers this looks rather nice :D Congrats

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