Map Idea - Looking for Input

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Matty, May 13, 2008.

  1. sugaballa99

    sugaballa99 Ancient
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    This could be good, but i have seen people try, they always tend to make each floor a bit small. And the map doesn't get so big, i like the idea if it is fairly large.
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    There is a much larger area than that outside of the death barriers on Blackout. I think Foundry will be better though, i wont need that much space and i prefer the item pallet.
  3. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    The only possible problem I can think of is that the attackers might be too exposed. If the defenders can drop down through the floor then that would mean the attackers would be vulnerable from the same areas of the map they’ve just recently gained control of. Which kind of goes against a basic rule of gameplay; as you move through a map the area directly behind you should be safe as long as you keep moving. So the gameplay might be interesting and unique, but being attacked from what we subconsciously perceive to be a safe zone might be frustrating to the player.

    In fact the battles may be so abrupt that the attackers might end up feeling like they have defender spawn points attached to their backs. Or is that what you’re going for, are you trying to encourage the attacking team to move around together in a back to back formation?

    As far as tips for the map go; as soon as you mentioned ramps I pictured the defenders rolling barrels or fusion coils down to the attackers. Like have a barrel filled cavity at the top of each ramp, with an opening just big enough for barrels to fit through, and behind the barrels would be a man cannon, and holding the barrels back would be a pallet that wouldn’t have enough space to be pushed out by the man cannon, but you could beat it down to release a bunch of rolling barrels.

    Of course, I’m not really sure if you’re looking for gimmicks like that.
  4. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    im not sure im quite getting it, but it looks good i guess
  5. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    i had an idea for this a few days ago
    its not like yours but i had my own version
    i was going to make a snakes and ladders map kida sortof
    there was going to be some walls merged into boxes to make a small walking path up a wall of boxes on their sides,
    so basicallt its a big square with clifs to walk up, on the top is where one guy would spawn and he would push eather fusion coils or the wire spools down, and the power of the man cannons at the end of each hill would blast it back down to the next, this would result in players jumping and climbing to gain the top position and capturing the hill, but if they get hit, they will spawn back at the bottom and try again, just like the real game

    Your idea is much cleaner and with your forging abilities it'll be a cake walk that turns out amazing, i say try it and see what you get
  6. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    sounds sort of like Depot.. but alot better
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Donkey Kong yet....
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    L O L

    i thought i would be an asshole if i mentioned it...but ya, i thought the same thing
  9. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Yea lucky for you I am an asshole.

    Can't wait to see what you do Matty. I have no doubt it will kick ass.

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