MLG Alerion

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Korlash, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Alerion v2.1​


    Designed and Forged by Rest in Pieces

    Thanks to Unoverrated for his help and support

    GAMETYPES: TS, CTF5, BOMB Zeal, KotH, Territories, Oddball
    Changes for v2.1:

    • Added Oddball, to allow it to play 6 gametypes
    • Added Frag Grenades at the ends of Green/Orange Tunnels
    • Small Aesthetic Touches
    • Lowered the 4x4 Corners to prevent peek-shooting

    Changes for v2:

    • Forged in Coliseum
    • Upper route from Hill room to flag room (can throw nades through too)
    • route from bottom mid to flag
    • Different and more drastic height variation
    • bottom mid condensed
    • moved weapons around
    • opened a gap from top mid to hill (another way to attack hill now)
    • tunnel from flag to hill is twice as short now


    The v1 didn't work well because there were just not enough routes. For CTF, the rooms were too concealed. For Hill, it actually played well, but setups in hill were hard to break. Then slayer just wasn't great. So this version is hopefully a remedy to the rooms being to concealed. There are plenty of more routes to go so it's not easy to predict where they go.


    • DMR x 6
    • NR x 2
    • Camo x 2 (now in green/orange room)
    • Plasma nade x 4 (2 in each hill/flag tunnel)
    • Evade x 1 (bottom mid)
    • Health Pack x 2 (lower end of hill room)


    Flag Room (2 new routes)

    Green Room (orange on other side)

    Lower end of hill room

    Upper end of hill room

    The deadline for choosing maps in the tournament is going quick so I'm submitting this now with high hopes that it will get chosen as a tourney map.

    Download Alerion v2.1 Here

    Please enjoy and leave feedback!

    Edited by merge:

    Not one comment? Goodness what an unattractive, unoriginal map i've made
    #1 Korlash, Jun 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2011
  2. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I love this map bud your map actually helped inspire me to create a unique bridge and tunnel layout on a fairly large design I love how you made many routes to take you around through the area and I always wonder how it would look made outside the colliseum maybe on natural geography :) which is more difficult but very unique and beautiful if made right, I think you did a great job on this map and the V2 plays great you did a nice clean up on the issues the V1 had this map so far is very underated and should be commented and look at much thoroughly I hope you keep this uniqueness up and bring more MLG maps to the table and hopefully become feautured or even added to matchmaking which would be pretty great :) good job man cant wait for your next addition.
  3. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I'm surprised this map still hasn't received any posts yet. It's a great map. From my experiences, it plays similarly to Retroactive and Despair. I believe it was made before both of those maps, but nonetheless, I had no serious problems while playing this map. I need to get some customs on this soon. I had some games on an earlier version of this map.

    Why does it say this was posted yesterday? I saw this map on ForgeHub more than a few days ago.

    EDIT - Still no posts? **** the MLG section. Why does it not get more popularity? Hey, I'd suggest lowering the AC amount. 2 Camo power-ups on the same map is a bit of an overkill.
    #3 4shot, Jun 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2011

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