Hello! And welcome to my new Left 4 Dead map!!! Special thanks to DharionDrahl For the poster: **** YouTube - Halo Reach - Left 4 Dead: The Escape **** Right to business... Humans: -Rely on medkits -They do not have shields -They only have a health bar -The health bar doesn't recharge -Takes about four hits from a regular zombie to die -Takes about three hits from the tank to die -Have limited ammo Zombies: -Have a teleporter hub system -Can die by headshot -Can assassinate the humans Tank: -Much more health -Takes one less hit to kill a human -Doesn't run very fast... The Plot: Bill: Ugh... where the hell are we? Zoey: The helicopter crashed... Francis: AGAIN. Louis: Well what now? We can't just stay out here all day all night! Bill: Calm down I'll think of something... Francis: I hate helicopters. Zoey: The pilot must've been bitten before he rescued us... Bill: Well... We can try and take the streets to the safe zone... But the military might've blocked it off by now... Louis: Hey maybe we can take the sewers to the emergency bunker! Francis: I hate sewers. Zoey: Well then... We'd have to find a place to stock up on ammo... Louis: We can take the weapons from the chopper! Zoey: Okay after we find our way through this suburb, we can take the sewers to the park... I don't know where we'll go from there. Francis: I hate- Bill: Cut the horseshit Francis. Louis: I think the bunker is right past the park too... so we'll be safe if we can find our way out of it. Francis: So the plan is to wander around until we find safety? This plan sucks. I hate this plan. Bill: Well it's all we got Francis so let's just get going. The Human spawn: View left of the human spawn: Straight down the road from the human spawn, the gas station. (Holdout point 1): This will clear out of the way in about 115 seconds: Other side of the holdout, Medkits: Building (Above) which is the next holdout, where the crate will move after 3 minutes: Inside the building: The crate: Alleyways outside of the building: The saferoom: Inside the saferoom is a mechanism that will close the door. Beware: often the zombies will use it couldn't find a way to fix that soooo... oh well... there is a safe haven inside that will make the humans unkillable: To use the door: -Press the trip mine (won't kill you) -Let the trip mine do it's magic -And PRESTO! The door is shut The end... Until part two... hehe... OKAY Zombie explanation time: The zombies will spawn in here. At first there will only be 3 teleporters, but as time goes on, the other two spawn: The tank powerup will spawn every 75 seconds, and will last 90 seconds after you pick it up. Each teleporter goes somewhere different in the map: Number 1 goes here: Number 2 goes here: Number 3 goes here: Number 4 goes here: Number 5 goes here in the building by the saferoom (Sorry no pic ) So have fun with the map guys! Give feedback on what you think!! P.S. sorry if some of the pic's do not work I'll try to fix that. And honorable mentions go to RamonImbao for making a different poster for me:
Sorry if I'm missing something incredibly obvious, but this map dosen't look very Suburban to me... Aside from that it looks like it has potential. That switch gate looks very cool and I definitely will test this later on.
Yeah, about that... I was building the map to look more city or suburban oriented, but ended up having to cut off parts because forge has a budget. I'm sorry, if I could make it more suburban, I would... but i cant. And thanks for the feedback btw
Some interesting concepts but I've seen quite a few of these left for dead style maps. Still though, it looks well forged and you bring some interesting ideas to the table. I especially like your tripmine to open door idea. Good stuff.
Thanks for the feedback! I got the trip mine door idea from a friend of mine's map. I got the falcon to explode by placing a man cannon off map, flinging it onto a trip mine that's right where it ends up landing. It blows up, and the loadout camera's let you watch. A friend on deviantart made the poster, he said he downloaded the halo font pack off of a website... And then he used it in photoshop, so it looks neat. And yeah, i've been getting the whole "second one looks better" a lot so I might switch it to the main one. and thanks for the feedback!
Left 4 Dead: The Escape [Part 1] Left 4 Dead: The Escape [Part 1] is an infection map that has all the pieces of an enjoyable infection experience but lacks the gel to put them together in one cohesive, enjoyable time. The Escape is another zombie map patterned after Rifte Grifts’ Left 4 Dead series of maps. This style of zombie map entails weak zombies and powerful humans who require multiple hits to take down. Another staple of this kind of infection gametype is the stand off locations. Left 4 Dead maps always have several locations where the humans must essentially holdout some specified time until a path opens up allowing them to continue their journey. The last commonality shared in these gametypes is the safe house that humans must get to for freedom from their zombie attackers. The Escape has all these pieces but still leaves the player wanting more. The humans will start off by an exploded, crashed falcon and partially blown up warthog. The humans must essentially walk straight a hundred or so feet for their first holdout location. There, the humans hold out for well over minute and a half before two crates blocking the way are removed. Then the humans must holdout in a small room with a shotgun and sniper rifle before a crate is removed a minute later. The problem with this small room is there is only one entrance into it, opposite the ramps leading to the next area of the map. This allows for an easy funnel for taking out the weaker zombie. The area is too small to reliably take out the alpha zombie if it makes an appearance at this point so most to all humans will be taken out at this point once the alpha zombie appears. The final location is the safe room, which is a quick jaunt from the second holdout location. Once the humans are in this room they walk into a mine triggering a crate blocking any further zombie incursions. Any humans left after the alpha zombie mops up from the second holdout location will be cleaned up by the camping zombies awaiting the humans from their holdout. This second holdout is also a prime location for team killing because of the small space. Team betrayal is turned on and will happen occasionally during a game. Any lucky humans who managed to make a run for it to the safe house ten feet away must then wait for the game clock to run out while taking potshots at enthusiastic zombies. Enjoyment for the zombies stems from that element of surprise they feel when they pounce from high above a roof top to assassinate an unsuspecting human below. These moments are rare and for the most part the humans will see the zombies coming because of the open nature of the map. This open nature leads the zombies to camp areas they know the humans will end up because nothing is stopping the zombies from doing so. The alpha zombie will appear with an arrow over his head and will usually take out most of the humans. The largest problem with the zombies is that they spawn up on the rooftops and there is fall damage and suicides turned on, so players should not be surprised to die just from trying to land on some humans. Infection games live and die by how enjoyable the gameplay is and how balanced the zombies are from the humans. Players do not want to play a zombie game where the zombies are impossible to kill and the game ends too fast or play a zombie game where the humans are impossible to kill and the game drags on forever. The Escape goes with the Left 4 Dead formula of balance. Humans are stronger and take three to four strikes to take down, or one assassination. Zombies are weak and only require a single headshot to take out except for the alpha zombie. A zombie can pick up a randomly spawning power-up that turns them into an alpha zombie making them stronger, requiring entire clips to take eliminate it. This alpha zombie is specified to the humans by an arrow appearing over the alpha zombies head, though this pleasantry rarely matters for when the alpha zombie appears in the small space at the second holdout. The relative ease in which the zombies can be taken out is supposedly countered by the factor of surprise the zombies are given. The zombies spawn in a room of time released teleporters that will take the zombie to different rooftops above the humans. The problem with this system is that the teleporters are more or less all available a minute or so into the gameplay allowing the zombies to skip ahead to sections the humans can’t get to. This allows the zombies to camp the humans and not allow them to proceed. The teleporters also all appear in a line and therefore it is very hard to remember which teleporters goes where. This transportation system is confusing at best and detrimental to a balanced gameplay experience at worst. The weapons on The Escape are mostly precision weapons with the shotgun, assault rifle, and grenade launcher being the only exceptions. Humans can find a DMR to the far right of the initial spawn. There is not much reason for humans to venture over to this DMR as it is well tucked away and not near the first holdout. The second DMR which will be found is by an open door behind a turreted building. A soft-kill barrier prevents players from trying to hide in this small room. A grenade launcher is sitting by a rock and tin-cup plaza area to the right of the first holdout and more or less pointless as a weapon. The zombies can only be taken out with a lot of concentrated fire or a single headshot and unless the player gets a direct hit with the grenade launcher there is not much ammo for it to be considered a useful weapon. The rest of the weapons are all found in the initial spawn strewn around or in the second holdout. The Escape, at odds to what the title would suggest, is inescapable for the humans. The map has high walls and any area the humans are not mean to be in has soft-kill barriers. The zombies on the other hands can escape the map. There is no safe-area or death-barriers stopping the zombies from escaping the playable area. There would not be much point for a zombie to escape, as the map is located over rocks and water, yet the point remains that the zombies could leave if they wanted to. Other problems with the gametype are the aforementioned fall damage and team betrayal problems. The zombies need to drop down from the rooftops to get to the humans or surprise them to stand a chance and yet they can die from their landings. The humans end up bunching up in a few locations to stand off against the zombies while they wait for the way to clear so teammates getting in the line of fire will happen. Allowing team betrayals should not happen. The map has no discernible lag. If it was not for the gametype problems and the zombie being able to escape the play area this map would fair much better. The Escape is patterned after a city block. As such its central theme is tall looming skyscrapers, city streets, and inside buildings. Small details within the map help sell this theme. The initial spawn for the humans has a bench, a nice streetlight, and the translucent blue flags acting as street signs. Stunt ramps act as the streets and with the special FX acting on the map, the streets give off a nice dim blue shimmer. The map gives off a mood of a desolate city. This mood is achieved by a kind of story the architecture of the map gives off. In the initial moments of the game starting a falcon falls out of the sky and blows up by the initial human spawn. This scene gives the impression of a rescue team who came to pick up the humans but met an untimely demise instead. A turret protecting a building by the first holdout location cannot be used but gives adds to the story that this location was once fought over and lost once before. Crates block the way, possibly positioned there by a previous group of humans trying to slow the zombies’ advances. The one break in consistency to the map is the odd rocky area following the second holdout. There does not seem to be much reason story wise to have an area of rocks within a city block. The area does not seem to be a park or a rock Zen garden so its existence seems odd and breaks the otherwise consistent theme. Other rocks placed around the map are used to block doorways and seem like parts of the city crumbled, which does fit the aesthetic theme of the map. The Escape is one of many Left 4 Dead inspired maps at this point in Reach’s lifespan. The map follows all the same gameplay mechanics of that style of game and brings nothing new to the table gameplay wise. Aesthetically, The Escape brings some nice forging techniques in to pull off the deserted city block it is trying to impersonate. The techniques used are not new but things like the bench, the streetlight, and the flags used as street signs give the map consistency. One aspect that players will rarely see is dynamic story telling. This is seen by the falling falcon at the very start of a match. Despite the nice element of story telling the map aesthetics give off, The Escape is just one of many Left 4 Dead style maps and does not bring much new experiences to the table. Rating Multipliers [Enjoyment: 6 x 3.0 = 18 out of 30 Balance: 6 x 3.0 = 18 out of 30 Durability: 5 x 1.5 = 7.5 out of 15 Aesthetic : 9 x 1.5 = 13.5 out of 15 Originality:4 x 1 = 4 out of 10 This map could be better if some more thought is put into the holdouts. Currently is just too unfair for the humans to have the zombies camp out locations the humans can't get to yet. Final Score Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings Have a question about your review? Review Hub Community Feedback
I actually quite like this map, i mean, the idea of it is yes very, umm, un-original but as long as it plays well. I do agree with ALL of the above posts they all make very fair points, and 1 more thing, teleporters.... need i go on, i am not sure how they fit in as the zombies do become like ninjas bouncing round the map. like the houses and that door, even if it is rather familiar (in other words, it is really unoriginal) but at least you have a door that isn't knocking a die around. Might make a remake of this map myself, shift everything around and give it a new name, as i have been meaning to put that fricken door in to a map since i started making zombie maps....
Funny how you critique people on their maps problems like teleporters and originality when your infection map's gameplay almost never works...... pity. On to the overall map. i have to agree with the people above me, your map has it where it counts, but your aesthetics are eyesores. I would rather you use pre-made buildings from forge for stand-ins than just make boxes and call them buildings. gameplay flows smoothly, with no rush for a power weapon, you don't need to compete too much, it keeps the guidelines of infection on black & white: Keep running. Stay alive.
So i am now a criminal for criticizing quite simply because I am not the best forger out there, thanks mate. anyway back on the map, yes the door is nice and maybe if you wanted to make it almost like the H3 L4D map you could just make lots of houses all with that door and just 1 place to spawn. I'm sure you can spice it up more than that though
just downloaded both of your maps, they both look great. you've got some competition though, rifte gifle's maps are great too! ahahhaha lets c whos is better