Just in time for game 5 of the Stanley Cup Finals, I present NHL hockey on Halo. I was inspired by MENACEtoSOCIETY's map ice rink. But I wanted to make a more authentic hockey experience in the form of aesthetics and gameplay. I present to you NHL rink and the custom Haloball gametype, NHL Hockey. When I played Menace's ice rink I noticed that it looked rather big for a hockey rink. So I made mine as close to NHL rink dimensions as I could. Everything from the dimensions of the rink the placement of the blue and red lines, the diameter and placement of the face-off circles is spot on. But due to the large nets, the goals must be pushed forward to allow room behind the net. overview Center "Ice" The Bench/Penalty Box The Net. Games are set up for 6v6 with loadouts(more on those later). There will be three periods of 3 minutes. Players move at 150% (or 120) speed, can't jump, and 200% gravity. This is so I could make the players move as fast as possible without being able to fly off the map or splatter against the wall. Player damage is reduce to 0 but assassinations are still available. So to kill somebody you have to splatter them with the golf ball or assassinate them. Dying is a 15 second "penalty". 2 Custom powerups are placed above the goal, but is recommended only for the goalie. The powerup makes you move at 75% speed but you are invulnerable to splatter and assassinations. Powerup above the net. (My biggest problem is putting the powerup somewhere where it won't be accidentally picked up but is easily available to the goalie. PM if you have ideas.) There are 5 classes to choose from with 3 different weapon choices. You can either use the Sword w/ powerup, the gravity hammer, or the golf club. Since the Hammer and golf club have great power, there are 3 powerups available to go with the sword. You can Use Sprint, Evade, or Hologram. A Breakdown of the Classes Sword with Sprint The sword is good for making controlled passes to your teammates. Since the sword does not have the booming potential of the hammer and club, you must use your powerups to their fullest. Sprint is good for chasing down the ball into the corners. Sprint is the fastest class. Sword with Evade Similar to sword with sprint. But Evade is better for closing small distances quick. Sword with Hologram I will admit Hologram was kind of thrown in there because it isn't very useful. However it has a use. So I included it. Hologram was included mainly to be used by goalies to add another defender even if he is a decoy. Gravity Hammer POWER!!! The Gravity Hammer can ring the ball out from the other side of the rink, so learn how to control that big stick. Since you are left without a speed powerup, don't get caught behind the net. Try to open up to receive a pass. And don't hold on to the ball for to long, faster swords are coming. Golf Club Im going to admit it. I don't know the difference between a gravity hammer and golf club on a golf ball. So until somebody tells me the difference you can pretend I just copied the above explanation of Hammers here. If you want to change classes mid-game, then you need to kill yourself in the soft kill zone on the benches where the two meet. And soft kill zones are set up all around the map so if the ball goes out of play it will drop at center ice. Thanks for checking out my map. I hope to hear feedback. If you think something in my gametype should be changed, then please tell me. TL;DR hockey map w/ custom gametype.
Do you know that you can use the edit button on the bottom right of your post to edit it? This way you can prevent bumping other maps off of the Latest Community Maps on the front page of Forge Hub. This would also save you from getting infractions for double posting. As for the map, I think this map is too much like the other hockey maps. You need to add something new and exciting. I would consider adding stands outside of the playing area. This would put some original aesthetic touches into your hockey map.
Looks good, I like the use of custom powerups. I would suggest getting rif of hologram or giving it a Gravity Hammer. Also, I've found that a Golf Club is better for more accurate, less powerful shots, but the GH is better for less accurate, more powerful shots.
I apologize for that, but editing didn't work. I wanted to put a pic in the thread title. When I Previewed my post the link to the pic was gone. I don't think the hammer or golf club should get a powerup because then they would be OP IMO. However you are free to change my gametype if you want. If YOU choose to set it up for grifball be my guest.
I play hockey, so i think its cool youre actually trying to make an accurate as possible hockey game in halo. i never really understood why in the action sack gametype people had ARs and that game, though its fun wasnt exactly hockey. i like the classes. its kinda like having different roles for different kinds of players. the hammer guys kinda like Chara and the sprint could be a quick martin st louis. if you were going to make a V2 or something one thing could be adding a roof and making it more of a stadium, but thats just somethign i would think was cool. ill most def download this and try to get a game on it.
Nice man, I'm glad I inspired you to make a realistic rink. I made a realistic size HOCKEY DOME (in my file share) back in the beginning of the year. Take a look when you get a chance, I think you'll like it. I've been waiting for Jeramiah to get back to me with some dam feedback. Doesn't seem like its gonna happen, since Bungie is done with reach in july or some ****. Oh yea, have you tried a shotgun in hockey? it works really well for passing.
How is it that twice as many people dl my gametype over my map? I should have just saved my time and only made the gamemode.