the map looks okay. some parts look very well done but others look rushed or out of place with the rest of the map. for example the water fall. to me it looks like it dosn't fit with rest of the map
Thanks guys, and about the attackers, they have good chances of winning too.. you will figure out why.
All the detail in this map make the gameplay even better, the pelican and waterfall is my favorite part.
Did a Forge through on it. The map itself is pleasing to the eye I musy say. Although I had a problem with the weapons on it. Every piece of equipment and weapon has its default spawn setting. And I find the fort being overpowering to the defenders and would find it pretty hard to win if I was an attacker. As an attacker I spawn in a cage with a carbine,sentinel beam and a plasma rile in it. O the attackers do get 2 choppers. But they can easily be destroyed with the Dfenders Splazer and 2 sniper rifles. I was also horrified to find that there was 0 BRs on the map. Why not!? A BR would be perfect with this map considering the ranges. Also the Waterfall I found really awkwardly placed. It just didnt seem to fit in with the rest of the map. On top of the waterfall was a Beam rifle, thank GOD! Finally and actually good weapon for the attackers. Overall yes the map was well made, but the weapons and waterfall I didnt like.
Thanks for your post I accept criticsms. About BR's im sorry I was halfway done through the maps and a stupid guy deleted the glitch one... I couldnt use one anymore.
Wow I loved Fort la Roque I will love this. The attackers do seem a little not that powered lol. Ill come back with a review.
saw this a few days ago, and i liked it, i just forgot to comment i do like the mini pelican, and also how you added it into a map, but still MADE a map, not just made it the focal point, one question i have is in the 2nd or 3rd picture i forgot, there are two bridges then a teleporter thats not on, whats with that?
ok first off the map looks good, but did you make the pelican? cause i found almost the exact same one as yours but with a much earlier date
I remember seeing this map on forgeguide before it closed down :-( This is a fun map and the pelican is great but some more geoglitching especially on the sides could make this map better. Still it is very fun and I still have it on my hardrive from when I got it off forgeguide. Its a really cool map!