Any similarities between this map and any others is purely coincidental and not unlikely considering the complexity of this map.
Looks like a pretty fun map, Kow. If not a little derivative. Though the whole shooting fire at dudes in a box thing can probably be done a few times without getting too old. And as for everyone calling Kow a racist I'd just like to point out two things: 1. You're an idiot. ..kidding? 2. The Holocaust never happened. KIDDING KIDDING KIDDING
No offense, dude, but this has been done before, completely. This is just slightly different, maybe better.
Listen to Dthen everyone, before you needlessly flame this map. He's right. The holocaust reference was just a backstory to the development of the map and gametype. Still, it is just a tad unoriginal and excessively pyromanical.
wow... guys, dont get mad at the flamers for flaming. He should have known that if he put the back story, he would get flamed Flamers, don't over react so much, it was just a JOKE. i'm a jew, and I don't find it offensive at all, jews DO know about jew jokes after all and map maker, very nice looking map, id dl it, but my bungie thing is full (ONLY 8 at a time!? HERACY!!!)
1. This has been done before, so you are not original 2. This is deeply offending and depressing. Genocide is never funny. You can't even begin to realize the extent of pain and suffering the Jewish people had to go through. They were forced to work in labour camps, gassed, burned, and shot to death. You have a long, agonizing road to tread if you keep up your childish games.
To everyone saying that this is unoriginal: I didn't know that there had already been a map like this, so I'm not merely copying it. It's original in the sense that I didn't try to copy another map, even though it has been done before. And to all those people who are getting offended over little things like that, not everything needs to be taken offensively. Yeah, sure, the Holocaust happened and it was bad, but unless you're a survivor of the Holocaust, you shouldn't be as offended as that. I'm not saying "Go kill Jews!"
I agree, people are overreacting to the holocaust gimmick. But you should of expected that. The map looks pretty good, but as I've said the holocasut gimmick wasnt needed.