Starting a new commentary series where I choose every third competitive match I play (hence the title, obviously). I think it will better reflect gameplay as I won't be choosing the videos arbitrarily, but by a set system and thus you should be able to see my highs and very low, lows. The first video is below, and as explained therein, it was done wtihout the game going so it's more disconnected than future commentaries will be. That being said, it is a rather solid indication of what you'll see from the series, as I won't really be commenting on the gameplay (it really speaks for itself) but whatever happens to suit my fancy at that particular instance. Furthermore, they will be done while I'm watching the actual gameplay so you'll get some reaction to what's being shown onscreen to what you're listening to. I may also add a fancy intro if I get an idea on what to do (or can figure out animation overall for myself). Also, I will be playing Halo and possibly minecraft as well. But again, that's in the future, so: Blops Spoiler YouTube - Every Third Game - Black Ops #00 Gungame #01 - YouTube Every Third Game - Black Ops #01 - YouTube Halo Spoiler YouTube - Every Third Game - Halo Reach #01‏ Every Third Game - Halo Reach #01 - YouTube As always, comments on how to improve the series (aside from what's already been mentioned), what you'd like to have discussed, or what have you are always welcome.
You sound less Black Theorem-y and more Insane54-y then I thought you would. And your sister is going to out noob-troll you when she gets to be a moderator of some site.
I genuinly thought you were Australian. Don't know where that came from. I feel stupid. XD Anyways, the commentary was nice. You're confident in yourself, but not so much that it sounds a bit pretentious.
You did better than most 1st commentaries... They usually ramble on about what they hate about the game. Good jorrrbbbbb
The game sounds need to be turn down a bit, but yeahhhh I'm waiting for that Minecraft series. Get to filming!
Wait, what? I thought I turned them off? This is what happens when you have like five versions of the same file >.> Guess I'll fix it and reup in the morning. edit: Added the fixed version.
someone's a little defensive! you only use pinpoint weapons anyway, and you can choose to only take shots that will hit. im just mocking you for that time we were all playing mw2 and you didnt clutch win.
If I went into every thread you made and derided it simply because it involved you, you'd be defensive too you ass. There's no point in taking shots that have a higher likelihood of missing just because it will get you another kill, I'm deliberate. If someone on my team is about to die then I'll risk losing ammo, but other than it's illogical and only people that want to look good in a montage do that. Again, grow up, or get out.
hahahahahahaha I love your sister, she manages to noob troll you so much. Anyways, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing some minecraft stuff, 'twould be interesting. Nice vids.
Added a gungame video to the OP. Just figured out the optimal export settings for my comp so it should only take an hour per video as opposed to five lol. Would've uploaded stuff sooner but I've been busy with a machinima that's due out sometime next week. Also, I'm going to record a viva pinata session with my sister right after I'm done typing this. edit: nvm, gonna retry when the rest of the family is out. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Added another Blops commentary.