Hello, its me again. (Oh God)... Here are 3 more super-special-awesome gameplay clips that I have sitting around on my hard drive. For some reason they all seem to involve Sniper Rifles and No-Scopes. I wonder why... Hitting a guy on the Lift on the Cage, No-Scope Style [bungievid]18014970[/bungievid] An Overkill, all No-Scopes, with a sweet 2-4-1 for the Triple/Overkill [bungievid]18015061[/bungievid] Finally, a funky little No-Scope wile chasing someone up the lift on Pinnacle [bungievid]18014998[/bungievid]
lol saw the title of this thread and thought to myself: "That looks like something Sky would post", then I looked down
OK, even though I used the BBCode thread to get the code right, the vids dont seem to be working? Any suggestions?
those were some pretty awesome no-scopes, lol. The last one in mid air had to be the best, im sure that player was not happy with himself after that death >_<