Wet Feet

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Lucious, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Lucious

    Lucious Forerunner

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    hey guys, new member here, my first map i finished and first post.. i got a few good reviews from my friends so i wanted to see if anyone on here liked it, and if not if u had some pointers

    Wet Feet
    My first map originally designed at the release of Reach, was little more than a coliseum wall with bases on top, but as my experience grew my friend and I decided to remake Wet Feet in a whole new light, plays all available gametypes pretty well

    i took notes about some architecture from MLG sanctuary and found a pristine location on forge world. I started at each base then to the middle section and connected each part to form my map, keeping it symmetrical

    x4 Dmr
    x2 Needle Rifle
    X2 Needler
    x2 Plasma Pistol
    x2 Sniper Rifle
    x2 Shotgun
    x1 Gravity Hammer
    x1 Rocket Launcher
    x1 Grenade Launcher
    x6 Frag Grenades
    x6 Plasma Grenades
    x4 Health Packs

    Power Weapons Locations
    each Sniper is located on the ramped platform on either side of the map diagonally across from each other 1 spare clip

    each Shotgun is located beneath the ramped platform inbetween two boxes directly across from each other 0 spare clips

    the Gravity Hammer is located in the bottom center of the map inside the bunker, between the the two shotguns

    the Rocket Launcher is located in the middle of the map on top of the round bunker essentially between the two snipers 0 spare clips

    the Grenade Launcher is on top of the platform above the round bunker in the center 1 spare clip

    [​IMG] (new)Over view of the map

    [​IMG] Center of map round Bunker and top platform.. the four pieces added to the round bunker give the map more cover

    [​IMG] rocket spawn, the center of the map

    [​IMG] hammer spawn, under rockets

    [​IMG] red sniper over looking blue base

    [​IMG] blue sniper over looking red base

    [​IMG] shows both the red shotgun and the red sniper spawn, which is identical to the blue side

    [​IMG] shows off the new walkway cover, while seemingly simplistic these columns disrupt dmr and sniper fire so that its more difficult to see cross map and kill too quickly
    #1 Lucious, Jun 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2011
  2. Mushroomman3rd

    Mushroomman3rd Forerunner

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    Try adding more cover, especially on the upper walkways. Otherwise I think the map looks pretty good.

    And welcome to Forgehub.
  3. Lucious

    Lucious Forerunner

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    thanks i will see what i can do about it, and thanks for the welcome

    Edited by merge:

    added pillars to each corner of the walkways ( 5 on each side ) and on the middle bunker 4 covers, i also added a few rocks in the open areas on the bottom level, i think it will limit the snipers range, and i dont want to do any heavy modding bc i want to stay close to the 2.3 version as possible
    #3 Lucious, Jun 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2011
  4. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    This actually looks pretty sweet. Plenty of cover to move and fight around on the lower sections, while keeping the elevated areas a tad open to prevent camping. Very well done. My only possible gripe I have without playing it yet would have to be blood gulch base in the center. Never been a big fan of it, but you do seem to use it well here.

    My list of cool custom maps to try out this weekend continues to grow lol
  5. Lucious

    Lucious Forerunner

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    :D thanks dude, id be more than happy to play it with you
  6. TheDTYP

    TheDTYP Forerunner

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    OOh! This map looks pretty cool! And congrats on getting the maps pictures up for the first time too! (It's so annoying seeing a name that might relate to a cool map then see it has not pics)
    However, though good, it seems a little... plain. Try making your buildings custom made!
  7. Lucious

    Lucious Forerunner

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    i definitely get what your saying about the buildings, but im not really on that level as of yet, and these seem to work for this one, i may be able to remake this idea when i get more skilled
  8. TheDTYP

    TheDTYP Forerunner

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    Well alright then! Welcome to FH!
  9. Lucious

    Lucious Forerunner

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    thx dude

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