I tell people about this quite often. 30% of the people see it when I mention it. Most people don't see it. A lot of the people that do not see the rabbit in the picture ask me to post a picture online and circle what in the heck I'm talking about. Well, I got some time to do just that. Here are a couple pictures of real bunnies: BELOW: This is the picture indicating where the bunny (rabbit) is in the Narrows' loading screen. You can see this screen/picture while in MatchMaking and/or custom games playing Narrows. N O T E: I have not altered the image beyond image enhancement. The original pic was very dark, so I brightened it up. I also cropped and resized it. Do you see the bunny now? It is indicated by the red circle. Thanks for reading!
so the playboy bunny is on the NArrows!!!!!! OMG it's like Where's Waldo but with the playboy bunny!!!!!!! Now I just have to find The Halo 3 Hughes' house and go party it up like I just saved Earth with some naked women.
It has no significance....it's just an interesting easter egg. Though I'm not sure if it could just be a simple coincidence.
The pic is too pixelized to make any concrete judgement as to the identity of a bunny. I guess it's just one of those things I'll have to check out next time I play narrows. Does this only happen in matchmaking or custom or forge?
Hmm, coincidence? You never know. Bungie did put a half-naked man in campaign... Having a bit of trouble seeing the bunny anyways. I think I see it, but then again I'm not sure. I'll look for it in custon games.
I went to the custom games lobby and checked this out. I would like to think that this is a coincidence, as the human mind is notorious for seeing patterns in random arrangements. However, this is Bungie we're talking about, so this might just be an egg.
OoooOOoooOOooo!!! Conspiracy!!! The Easter Bunny payed Frankie to put him in!!! Cooincidence? I THINK NOT!
there is no bunny, you're all crazy. It's just the way it looks at a glance. I'm at the load screen right now, i kind of see what you're talking about but no dice.
I do think that this could well be something to do with the image becoming brighter, im not entirely sure though.
I see what you mean and I see the rabbit, but I don't think that bungie purposely put that in, I think it's just an optical illusion of how the ramp is shaped and not an actual rabbit. But, then again, I wouldn't put it past them ^.^
Woah, that's awesome. I think it was just an accident though, not a actual easter egg. Good find though.