As some of you may know i have gotten the RRoD.It sucks really bad and it likes boys so i was searching youtube about it and found that many people use this trick here is the video that i used. basically what u do is wrap your 360 in towels and let it sit for 20 -45 mins then take it out nd turn it off then turn it back on and wahlah im doing it now so ill infrom you guys if this actually works
i did this once, it works, but only once or twice, after that it wears off, but it usually lasts about a week or so each time.
Yeah this has been known for a while and is only a temporary fix. You will have to eventually send it in.. Also I wouldn't recommend doing it too many times as you could melt stuff inside.
i think it works because it overheats it even more melting the thing that make the red rings appear. its really bad for your 360.
after watching this i realised that my xbox is NOT the most bootleg console out there even though it makes really bad noises and has been dropped like eight times
lol i just saw a video of that and yeah well ims ending my 360 in i just got the box today so i kissed it goodbye and hope it has a nice trip *remembers all the good times i had* *starts to cry*
Dude i have heard of this but when i had the RRoD i turned off the xbox off from the mains then back on and it worked :] Not sure what happened there .. But lately it kept crashing so i sent it back but its back now soo woo!
Does nobody understand that to stop your xbox from getting RRoD you have to not play it for about 1 week. The overheating melts the soldering on some parts of the xbox due to Microsofts poor manafacturing, and it will go back to normal after about a week, if you leave it in a cool dry area. E.G a wardrobe
Have you tried this method? I think it will be alot better for your 360 than melting it: O AND BTW DO NOT DO THIS LOLOLOL ITS A JOKE PEOPLE HAVE ACTUALLY TRIED THIS
lolololololololololol nice one seriously if you can't see his white text DONT DO IT thats a joke anybody with half a brain knows that liquid of any kind would short cuircut the xbox as soon as you turn it on......
I have a friend who works at Best Buy. One of the Xboxs in the store got the RRoD and they tried this. According to him, they never had an other problem with that Xbox. Lukily I've never had the RRoD to try this. *knock on wood*