DISCLAIMER: This thread has nothing to do with, or at any point will have anything to do with pornography or adult content. To all of the fellow nerds out there, be it for gadgets, computers, games, or anything that would constitute you to be a nerd, this is a universal thread for all of the nerd pornography such as a 2 TB SD card. Maybe one day you may come and look back at some of the articles and videos posted in this thread and say "We really had some cheap **** back then!" please leave information about specific games, such as halo 4, out of this thread. (cwutididthar?) if i may get the chance to start this off with my most recently discovered article, i am pleased to present this piece (that is obviously not mine) to you... Minecraft for xbox 360
So much memory on one card, I wouldn't be able to carry that around. ****'d scare me. You'd lose so much if you dropped it. As for Minecraft, WOOOOOOOOO. No more super laggy timez. However, considering it's an XBLA title, it'll launch for 1200 points. Which is cheaper than minecraft. So will it be missing features? And how will multiplayer work?
I just wish there were PC and Xbox server associations, but for clear cut reasons that'll never happen unless they bring out dedicated servers.
I'm doubting this, but mods are a huge no no. Unless Notch adds them himself. Speaking of this, considering after release the PC version is going to keep getting updated, I wonder will the xbox version be updated? Or just left. And I take it accounts'll probably have no use in game either, so those of us who've already bought it don't really get anything extra?
I'm hoping there will be some sort of optimized server heirarchy that gets implemented in there so you can have private chests, anti-griefing, etc... My guess is after the release, anything else added to the game will be an expansion. But if you're an alpha or pre-alpha minecraft.net account holder, you won't have to pay anything for any of these. I'm also hoping that any alpha/pre-alpha accounts will be given a free version of it. But I doubt it. Edit: This is turning into another Minecraft Discussion Thread... >.<
well how about someone post something for it's intended purpose? idk maybe something non-game related?
Apparently they're showing off a bunch of old consoles at E3. What's funny is that I have the world's first home game console in my garage. It looks like this.
unless theyve updated fortresscraft, its terrible and i made the mistake of wasting MS points on it a while ago. its nothing like minecraft. you can just place blocks, of which you have an infinite amount of. the same, ugly block. there is no mining involved. i bought it and played for like 10 minutes and was immensely pissed off, then never loaded it up again.
srsly this is not a minecraft thread. also, security, that is a major turnoff for nerds unless they are the nostalgic type.
I thought it was like, vintage porn or something. Anyway, that totally qualifies as nerd porn. Why do you think they are showing it off?
true, but i'm not too sure about some of the new stuff released at E3. i mean the only thing that really caught my eye was the voice commands and new games that work with kinect for xbox
Am I the only person who thinks it would be a hassle to yell at your TV whenever you wanted to do something?
You'd rather do things with your tongue? All joking aside i think the kinect and voice commands with the new games will easily surpass wii and playstation move
Same. I play video games to chill out, I don't want to have to jump around or scream the same sentence at my TV three times in a row to make it work (Seriously, not even my Mic with Endwar worked properly, I had to say everything more than once).
Was that an InTelevision, Security? Holy crap, I havent played one of those in nearly 15 years... :S Also, a 2TB SD card?? Wow. Havent seen one yet, and that article was two years old now. Id love to have a 2TB XD card for my camera. Stupid Olympus, not allowing me to use any other form of storage. Wait, it also accepts Compact Flash and Micro Drives, but theyre bloody expensive. Man, Im hard to please.