
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by King Cobra Kai, Jun 7, 2011.

  1. King Cobra Kai

    King Cobra Kai Forerunner

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    Uplink (Gemini)

    Based on feedback I received from the community, I have made a couple of changes to my map.

    First of all, I changed the name from Gemini to Uplink. Much thanks to availablemoth for bringing to my attention that Gemini is the name of a Halo 2 map. Since I didn't start playing Halo until Halo 3, this was news to me. Nonetheless, I didn't want to cause any confusion because this is not a remake of that map or any map, for that matter.

    The other edit I made was to switch out the rockets for a shotgun. Hopefully this will give the map better balance regarding power weapon placement.

    A new download link is now available for this map. Please continue to offer your thoughts and/or critiques. I genuinely enjoy reading them!

    An image of the main chamber of the lower level is pasted below.

    One of the wings off the main chamber.

    A jump up the gravity lift takes you to the second floor of the lower level.

    From there, teams can race across the bridge to the shotgun, which spawns above the energy sword.

    Players also have the option to jump up one of two man cannons, which are located in opposite rooms off the main camber.

    Sniper towers flank opposite sides of the upper level.

    The middle ground of the upper level features cover from the sniper towers...

    [​IMG] well as a shield door drop-down to the shotgun spawn below from the lower lever.

    As a side note, the two teleporters near the shotgun drop-down warp to either sniper tower to discourage camping.

    Let me know what you think!
    #1 King Cobra Kai, Jun 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2011
  2. Psquiddy

    Psquiddy Forerunner

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    Starting off, I love the map, but there are some major problems.
    1. Location location location: Your rockets are right above the energy sword? scary, just think about that combo!
    2. Take cover!: You need some more, a couple of teleporters won't stop a skilled sniper

    Your aesthetics are pleasing, but your map needs work, nice job though.
  3. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Question. Is this a remake or a re-imagination? The only reason I ask this is because in Halo 2 there was a map by this name! From the pictures above it does not look anything like it, which is good, but I would possibly think about changing the name! It is easy for people to get confused, and people also don't like when map names are used again! Now, just looking through the pictures I feel that there may be several places that may have some Z-fighting! An example of this would be in pic 8! I realize that this is just based off the pictures, but if there is Z-fighting that is a bad thing! Anyways, I like the layout of this map and I believe this could turn into something really cool!
  4. King Cobra Kai

    King Cobra Kai Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback!

    @availablemoth: I didn't start playing Halo until Halo 3 so any reference to a previous map is unintentional. I picked the name Gemini because of the symmetrical nature of the design. At the same time, I don't want there to be any confusion so a name chance may be the way to go. Also, I'm am new to forge. What is Z-fighting?

    @Psquiddy: Thanks for the encouragement and analysis. Any suggestions on how to make the weapons more balanced in your opinion? I initially had the shotgun on the perch above the energy sword in place of the rockets. Maybe go back to the shotgun? Or maybe the concussion rifle?
  5. Legacy of Mercy

    Legacy of Mercy Ancient
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    Z-fighting is when two objects are at the same height and the image is flashing back and forth between them. Here's a link to a discussion thread about it.

    hope that helps you. As for the map it is definitely on its way to something great. I agree with the suggestions already mentioned so it would be overkill to say it again. Keep up the good work!
  6. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I really like the middle especially the brace tunnel but I cannot say the same for the rest of the map it looks like you ran out of ideas and just threw something together. I'd say redisign the bases and keep them indoors and it would prolly be a very nice map.
  7. J HaDlEy 616

    J HaDlEy 616 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think the map looks great! I like the layout of the middle section, it's definately my type of map. Although one things strikes me straight away with the locations of the rocket launcher and sword. I would of switched them around as rockets up high is usually really over powered and a sword in high position would have a better risk/reward element. But I'll give it a play and see if i change my mind :)
  8. King Cobra Kai

    King Cobra Kai Forerunner

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    Thanks for the tip, I'll check that out!

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks for the feedback! Sounds like a pretty consistent critique. I was leaning towards switching out the rockets for a shotgun but just flip-flopping the rockets and sword is an interesting suggestion. Let me know what you think and thanks again!
    #8 King Cobra Kai, Jun 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2011

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