Hello everyone, i'm Galaxy and i'd like to share my first map on Forgehub. Its not my first map, of course, but my first one to post. Its a CTF base map but works well with the specified gametypes. Also is designed to work with Arena Slayer with everyone having DMR's 'Hogs and mongooses only spawn on CTF. Hope you like what you see ^_^ and tell me what everyone thinks 1x Rocket [3 min] (center under large walkway cover) 2x DMR [45] (1 each base) 2x plasma rifle [30] (minor buildings) 1x Energy sword [3 min] (satellite building) 2x plasma pistol [30] (midway minor bunker and tunnel) 2x Sniper [3 min] (one each base) 1x Needler [60] (center rock spire) 2x Magnum [30] (walkways to rocket) 4x Plasma grenade 6x Frag grenade
This map has some promise but i see however that you should have plenty of budget left over I would create a few buildings of your own design and make it more complex like if thats the idea your going for, remove the warthogs since theyd be very overpowering or easily destroyed due to the small amount of space you have to move around in that area, just play around with a few ideas they are several maps on forgehub that you could look at to get some ideas that could make this a great map I like the idea your going for Id just play around with it a little and see what kind of ideas you come up with to further your goal, if you need any advice just ask Id be happy to give it
As always, your first map will have some issues. You seemed to have fun with this one, and I commend you for it, but I suggest that you re-think some of the items you placed on the map, the warthogs, for instance, are very overpowering and probably should be removed, just tip, no hard feelings.
Thanks guys so far, obviously by what everyone says i hould take out the warthogs so that will be my first thing to do i think ill take out my corner buildings and replace them with something more custom as silentraine suggested. Does anyone think the 2 sniper rifles might be overpowering for the maps size? I think the other weapons might be balanced enough but im not sure about the snipers. Aslo should i take out mongooses as well? They might prove to make it WAY too easy to get the enemy flag. And please everyone i welcome critisism, it will only make me better (i hope)
Due to the overall size of the map id use one sniper rifle with one spare clip put it in a place either on the lower level near the center of the map or an upper level next to the cliff to give it a good view point but less cover so the camping will be very limited, For bases on this map Id use 1x1 tall thin blocks as braces a 2x2 ramp inbetween each and make a small area to run along the front id place the bases in a similiar position as asylum has its bases, and create a symmetricial look using large braces for the walls make the bases just big enough for a small firefight inside maybe make a side door to the outside so it wouldnt be a grenade spam fest, perhaps connecting to one of the bridges i see lined against the hill? to give some high ground, then create a center structure anything neat you can come up with with ur bridges going through it as well against the hill so that you can overlook the inside(good placement for a sniper as well) Leave your dish where it is but create a aesthetic style platform around it maybe raising it a little, make a few obstacles crates perhaps inbetween the bases, but make the center structures doors big enough for mongooses to go through as well, this will make the map a struggle and fast paced during ctf, and if you need help designing anything ill be more than happy to help you design some unique aspects for that area of the map but hopefully this helps get a few ideas flowing you can also use sword base or unearthed as alot of inspiration there great examples of unsc looks as well as boneyard/countdown if thats what your going for and i believe it is this could turn into something very epic on a quite unused area of forge world here lately. Also never be afraid to extend your map away from the quarry you can make some interesting structures that would make it stand out very well