The Orange man Basic but EPIC Hawaii Colourful Chieftin Painting: beauty in a chopper Mad scientist Champion Challenge to a race SQUISH! And those are ten of my random screnshots. I have tons more, but I wont post them unless I get some positive feedback, so please tell me: HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM?!
I have to say that "Mad Scientist" is my favorite of the bunch. The others, while interesting, just don't scream 'awesome' for some reason. Good angles on the last two, though.
They should be working now Thats funny, usually people tend to love the Squish, colourful, and painting ones the most.
I love the "Painting" screenshot. The chopper has a weirdish overtone to it and it just looks really neat.
In my humble opinion I think "mad scientist" and "champion" were the the best some were average but most were good. Keep on trying.
Champion and Cheiftain are my favorites. Your shots might not be something out of the ordinary, but the lighting and camera angles make each of them a work of art.