Well I'm pretty sure this exact question was asked before, but to answer again.... Mogoose, just so much fun to ride around in.
Normal hornet,cmon its a floating death plaform,and looks really cool when your passengers have sent beamers,looks like a LAAT gunship XD *thumbs up*
Hornet FTW. It's a cheap vehicle, but it's fun to rain death upon everyone. Just stay away from the Scorpion.
normal hornets has everything. guns, armor, speed, manuverability, missles, guns, side seats, guns guns guns!!! and its is easy to surf and have a little sniping platform
Um, you forgot to include Banshees in your poll. That'd be my favorite, harkening back to the days of Halo 2.....I loved pulling off mid-air hijacks when I'd jump from my banshee over to my opponents. It's a bit more difficult in H3 but I'm starting to get the hang of it again, slowly but surely.
There's nothing like tearing through a warthog with a chopper and nailing that ghost with whatever it is that the chopper shoots until it flips over or explodes. I hate the way it looks though. Look wise, I heart teh chain gun warthog.
i chose the warthog--regular. i'm ok at the shooter spot, but mainly chose it cuz i love driving 'hogs. power slides, fastish, fun. if the troop hog was up that'd definitely be my chose though. they rock.