Paladin The Covenant's Paladin planetary defense cannon has been the doom of many UNSC battleships. 8-12 players. I am currently working on a new similar map, with a much better Paladin gun (better aesthetics, on ground level, 3 entrances) and a Spartan Pelican, but am having "forger's block". It's located in the canyon. If you'd like to look at it or have the map for your own, I will give it to you (as long as you give me some credit if you end up posting something with it). Just send me a message on Xbox Live. I'll try to get some pictures of it up soon. Overview Paladin is inspired by Raptororieon's Covenant Outpost v2. I loved his Covenant AA gun and was inspired to build my own. Credit where it's due. This map is built for Invasion and One-Bomb. Both of which are setup with completely different spawns, weapons, and vehicles. It is located on the inner half of the Island. There are dozens of softkill boundaries to prevent leaving the game area. One-Bomb will work with the disc-loaded gametype, but you must use the custom Invasion gametype for the map to work correctly. If you want to use your own gametype, just set attackers to Spartans and change the 3rd phase to Assault. Invasion Phase 1: Territories Spartans must capture the control panel and deactivate the shield doors guarding the Paladin. Spartans -All default loadouts -2 mongooses -2 spawn options in the back corner of the map Elites -Default loadouts -2 spawn options at the shield doors Phase 2: Territories The Spartans must then capture and disable the cooling mechanisms to overload the gun's security systems. Spartans -Default loadouts -2 mongooses, 1 rocket -2 spawn options: at the downed shield doors and off to the side of the shield doors Elites -Default loadouts -1 ghost -2 spawn options: in the control room and in the back spawning corner Phase 3: Assault Arm a bomb inside the control room to destroy the Paladin. Spartans -Default loadouts, minus Air Assault (jetpack) -1 hog, 2 mongooses, 1 rocket, 1 sniper -3 spawn options, all around downed shield doors Elites -Default loadouts, minus Air Assault (jetpack) -1 ghost, 1 revenant, 1 fuel rod, 1 plasma launcher -2 spawn options: back spawn corner and the gun's bottom level One-Bomb Assault Each team spawns with one hog, one ghost, and two mongooses. The bomb spawns at the Phase 1 objective. Arm it in the Paladin's control room. Offensive side of the map has a NR, DMR, Shotgun, Sniper, Rocket, and Plasma Pistol. Defensive side has a NR, DMR, Sniper, Fuel Rod, and Needler. Offensive base also has a teleporter that leads to the back corner of the map. Thanks for checking out my map. Please give feedback and constructive criticism. Download Map | Download Invasion Gametype
I have not played the map yet so I am not able to comment about the gameplay of the map, but I can comment about what I see in the pictures. The AA gun looks amazing. Right when I opened this thread that picture hooked me into downloading it. The one thing that might turn someone off is the amount of cover. From the pictures it doesn't look like you have a lot of cover. After I play this map, I will post more in depth about the cover. Overall though this looks like a beautiful map. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm afraid that I was right; the map has a lack of cover. If I had any budget left I would try to find creative ways to create some cover. Another problem also arose. The Elites spawn awfully close to the objectives that they have to take over. I personally would move their spawns back. The Spartans had a lot of trouble trying to hold off the Elites. Another minor issue that I don't really think makes a huge deal. After the second wave the Elites have to back track in order to get the core. I just thought that was a bit odd that you were fighting forward for the other two waves, and then you have to back track. I see why you have it back there for gameplay reasons, but in actuality it doesn't make much sense. I hope that my feedback will help you to improve this map.
It sounds like you didn't play the custom Invasion gametype, which has Elites on defense and Assault as the 3rd phase and slightly different loadouts. This would have also made your Defenders spawn where your Attackers should spawn. That might affect the cover issue, too, since the spawns were backwards. Try playing it with the custom gametype and you should have a totally different experience. Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback, though. I appreciate it. If you end up trying it again with the custom gametype, please let me know how it goes.
DANG, I orgasmed when i saw that gun! But seriously this looks like an amazing invasion map with great aesthetics, i can't see any flaws by looking at the pictures I have to download it and see for myself
I finally played the right mode and it works a ton better. The spawning is almost perfect, and the objectives now make sense. The only thing that I might consider adding would be more cover in the first phase. When I played there was some difficulty in capturing the objectives because the Elites could see from where we were coming from and swarm us. That is my only suggestion. I hope you take it into consideration. P.S. The Grenadier class at the end really helps to take out the Revenant.
Knight- Thanks so much for trying it out again. I'm glad to know it works well. I agree that it probably does need more cover in the first phase. I will mess with it and see if I can add some rocks or add onto the control panel. Thanks again for your feedback! Raptororieon- I'm glad you like the aesthetics. I worked long and hard to make it look good. It's nice to hear compliments from a forger as yourself. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I am currently working on a similar map, with a much better Paladin gun (better aesthetics, on ground level, 3 entrances) and a Spartan Pelican. It's located in the canyon. If you'd like to look at it or have the map for your own, I will give it to you (as long as you give me some credit if you end up posting something with it). Just send me a message on Xbox Live. I'll try to get some pictures of it up soon.