DOWNLOAD MAP First off I'd like to say thank you to gtapoptart aka megadoug for building the original Planet Caravan. His 6 hours of labor (at least that's what he wrote) led to my 20 plus hours of modding. I saw this map and immediately liked it. There however were numerous issues that needed attending. I hoped to convince gtapoptart to do a little cleanup but it never happened. I figured what the hell and started a basic map fix. Slowly this led to map cleanups that led to map modifications and additions. By the time I was done I was left feeling self satisfied and wished that gtapoptart would give it a whirl but to my knowledge he has yet to play this heavily modified map. Now on to Planet Caravan Arena. The story is as follows. On a tiny little planet there was a secret structure built for the entertainment of others. Men battled for glory and money, usually money, in front of these onlookers. As the High rollers gained interest they demanded premium seating to allow them to view the bloodshed first hand. To keep their fans happy and their pockets lined they refurbished the arena with new seating , deadlier weapons and some extra cover to make it last - a little - longer. There is an event at the three minute mark that opens up the combatant entrance area. If you're too busy killing to notice the sound then you should see the blinking red lights under the structure. This area will give you access to a couple new weapons, a single jet pack, some windows to look down on your prey and a stealthy passage across the map. If you had a play on the original Planet Caravan but it just didn't work for you I'd ask that you give this download a try. It's a nice looking map with some good gameplay to be had. As usual my gametype is Classic Slayer and the map is set up around that. Welcome to the newly refurbished Planet Caravan Arena. Here is an overview shot of the New PC Arena The new combatant entrance. Taunt Taunt your prey.
Thx for the comments. It really helps when you have something great to work from. I have another mod I'll be showing at FH in the next couple days before I start showcasing my own maps. It's not as heavy as this one but it does feel and play different than the original and took another 20+ hours to work on. I almost don't want to upload as it doesn't look like I've put this much effort in but I think it comes down to everyone being able to enjoy a quality map. I typically tweak and adjust maps to my liking but I won't bother posting those. I'll only post the rare few that get an extensive modification and then only if I feel it might make an impact on the community over and above the original. To date that is only two maps, the first of which lies before you.
Wait I think I've played this before... lol. This version is a great perfection of an already great map. Your hard work definitely paid off and I can't wait to play your new original maps! My friends and I had a blast testing this and your... ahem... other map (We're going to see that one posted soon right? I can't wait to see the reaction you get, There really is no F in Way people won't like that one!). anyway you keep em coming and we'll keep playing them! Can i still remove the turret?
Of course you can. It's the forge baby! There's no F in way, I won't be posting that map. It is however a little down the list. I had originally planned to post my first original map tonight but I'm thinking it'll take to long and I don't want to be up until the wee hours of the morning again. I may try tomorrow morning or prep it for release tomorrow night. Either way it should be easier from here as I won't have to load two maps and try to do comparison shots. I was a bit to tired when posting the RF2.Fall Factor Amped map and it showed in the post. I should really revise it and maybe add a couple clearer shots. Who knows. I've posted 5 of my maps in the last 4 days and I'm running out of steam. There's still a handful to go and there's not enough comments on the posts to keep me reved up.
Hey, I was looking at your map - looks very nice! But I just thought I'd help you out with a little BBcode know-how. If you want to show the difference between a before and after picture, you might want to use the following code: [noparse][mouseoverimage=url for mouse over image]url for main picture[/mouseoverimage][/noparse] Hope that helps!
Thx Tedium. I'll keep the code as a reference. As for this post, do you really think I should add 6 more pictures?