omg i just fixed my red rings i can go on!!!!! im fudging shaking right now so im proablly typing bad but omg i cant beilive i did it its so awsome i love you youtube holy #$%UIO%^&*() im can play halo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congratz man... lol what did you do? Stand around bitching at it kicking it til it worked? rofl that was random...
wow howd u no well actually what i did was i took it on vacatuon but he got really hot so it overheated then i turned it off and back on and wah lah its good as new
You know it'll be broken again in a few weeks and you will have to eventually send it in... Right? I'd do it asap because your warranty may run out, but IDK.
Yeah, my friend's Xbox was like that for a bit. Then I fixed it for him using the paper towel method. It worked for about a week before it rrod again. lol
I always get red lights. Not the RRoD, but the other ones, cause of overheating, and my intercooler always fills up with dust, so it overheats sometimes. PS: Post # 501 woot! woot!
I've had acouple times were I would have apower surge and get rrod then I would freak out and turn if on and off ( one of these surges I had fried my back USB port so my wireless adapter foes in the front now =C )
Using the towel method voids your it overheats other parts of you system that used to be fine. Unless you're an electric engineer or really good with electronics, do not attempt to fix your own xbox! It will do more harm than good in the long run. I hope I can deter others from making the same mistake.
Lol I have recieved the dreaded RRoD 3 times already. Fortunately the warranty have saved me so far. If my Xbox gives out now I'm screwed. Hopefully the one I have now is a lucky one.
3 times!? I just got it, and am going to go out and get an elite. I'm pretty sure that won't ever red ring on me.
Nah, MS put a chip in it that, when they press a button, will RROD every single Xbox 360 Elite, forcing you to buy the new Xbox 360 Ultimatum. Capitalism.
I think they called it the Falcon chip set or something bird-like. Either way I've had 4 xbox 360s.....Best Buy is really wishing they hadn't sold me that replacement plan...anything built after 6-1-07 should have the new "cool" chip set in it....or something close to those numbers. I made sure I got a Falcon 360....I'd love to get an elite though....we'll see if this one dies.
I think I saw an Elite going for the launch price of a premium + Halo 3 a few days ago, so it shouldn't be that pricey. Going through 4 consoles though man... that's gotta hurt.
i really think that people who know how to fix the red rings should take out microsft support b/c youtube does a better job of answering my questions than the actual support line 3/4 of the time
My 360 has not RROD'D on me once, and I've almost had it for two years now. When it's on, however, the fan occasionally makes a very odd buzzing/vibrating sound, and the DVD drive has some difficulties with opening and closing. Other than that, it still works like a charm. I suppose I'm just lucky.
Lemme tell you guys the story and the question because I'm a worrier First my manufactruing date on mine is 2007-07-29(June 29th 2007).I Bought my xbox in november 2007.I have just gotten the RRoD friday May 9th 2008.My xbox cost 350 i think (premium).I got the RRoD due to hardware failure int he xbox 360 not the hardrive.Do i still have a warranty?I heard theres like a 2 year warranty,is that ture?If you guys could answer my question that would be great.