So this is my first try at posting a map on Forge Hub, though definitely not one of my first maps. Remorse is very much inspired by the temple from Halo 2's Campaign Level Regret. More specifically, it's based off the room where the player has to fight the Prophet of Regret. The map is medium in size and asymmetrical, being composed of two connected rooms and an platform on the outside where red team spawns. Pics: Weapons: 1 Fuel Rod Gun 2 Concussion Rifles 2 Shotguns 1 Sword 2 Assault Rifles 2 DMRs 2 Pistols 1 Needler 4 Needle Rifles 2 Plasma Rifles 2 Plasma Pistols Looking at it, there might be a few too many power weapons, but then I havent had many opportunities to test. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hi welcome to Forgehub! The temple level was one of my favorites from halo 2 so I'm glad you took inspiration from it. A few things I might point out, Power weapons are ok if they are spaced out. Your map does seem a bit small for the amount you have but I can't say much without having actually played on it. It seems like you would have some budget left over so I would suggest sprucing up red spawn a bit since it seems lacking in cover. Maybe you could add another vertical level to your map to expand on the theme of the temple. It could add a unique spin on the concept. Overall good job, this map has some good potential.
Thanks! I actually am almost out of budget and should probably do something about that because the second level idea strikes me as doable. Red spawn definitely could use something as well, I'm just not really sure what to put out there. The campaign had that as the ferry loading, so I might be able to expand it a tad.
Are you sure this map is asymmetrical? Haven't downloaded it, but the pictures really do make it look pretty much exactly the same on both sides.
This is pretty damn good for a first map. I remember my first map was far worse than this. This however: Isn't really appropriate for a completed map. A map isn't completed until you have tested it and worked out all the kinks. You should have instead posted this in the Map Previews section in Forge Discussion. There you can recruit people to help you test it properly until the map is good enough to be called; finished. If you are under the impression you can get feedback in this thread and then report you're map again that's not the case, and posting the same map over and over is considered spam. If I were you I would ask one of the moderators to lock this thread until you have tested the map fully and it is ready to be reposted. Seriously though great job with the map itself.
Yeah, its symmetrical on one plane, but the way the teams are arranged is front to back rather than along either side. I originally had it that way but decided that would probably be much too little space between each team. Okay, many thanks for the tips. Guess I was kinda under the wrong impression, though I was more expecting that one could update these threads with updated versions of a map, rather than having to make a whole new my bad, I'll see what I can do about a lock. [EDIT] This forum makes me feel noobish...How do I go about a lock here?