
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Kilik1990, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Kilik1990

    Kilik1990 Forerunner

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    Dear everyone!​

    This is my first made map, and I've put major effort in it, currently I want some people to try and play this since I don't got many pals playing this game. Let's get into an overview on this map.


    What is this map about?

    This is a large to very large map for set-ups as Team Slayer/Squad Slayer/Big Team Battle Slayer/SWAT/Multi-Team and Oddball. It has multiple levels of highness.



    Because of the size of the map it has a good variety of weapons.

    1x Energy Sword
    1x Sniper Rifle
    1x Shotgun
    1x Grenade Launcher
    1x Concussion Rifle
    1x Focus Rifle
    3x Needlers
    4x DMR
    2x Plasma Pistols
    1x Plasma Repeater
    3x Needle Rifles
    4x Sets of 2 Plasma Grenades
    6x Sets of 2 Frag Grenades
    6x Med-kits
    2x Mounted Machinegun


    Energy Sword; Pyramid above Blue Spawn
    Sniper Rifle; Sniper's Nest Platform
    Grenade Launcher; Below High Cannon
    Shotgun; Top Level


    Please add my gamertag for contact in-game, for giving advices and recommendations.


    Elevator at the side of the High Cannon Tower

    High Cannon to Sniper's Nest

    There's that Sniper


    Full Overview

    Overview + Shotgun Spawn

    Tiki God!

    So please!!! Download + Share + Feedback + Tips and Advices, I worked a lot on this so bare with me if some stuff ain't correct.
  2. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Just a helpful tidbit. If you don't want to have that pesky monitor screen, you can just push Y in theater mode. That will allow you to free roam your map and take pictures without any monitor screen. You also will have none of the spawns in the picture.

    As for the map, the layout is interesting. There doesn't seem to be a lot of structures on the ground of the map. One thing thing that I might worry about is the cover. Is there enough cover on the map so people don't get instantly engaged in a firefight? There is one other thing. Your map seems to consist of a lot of bridges. I don't know if you wanted that or not, but I would use some blocks for larger walkways so you have a little more wiggle room. Your Tiki God is very interesting. I can say that I have never seen a Tiki God on a map. It definitely adds some more aesthetic appeal to your map.

    All of my opinion has been based off the pictures that you have taken. I will make sure to edit this post once I have gotten a game on it. Hope you take my ideas into consideration. Remember keep forging!! :)
  3. Kilik1990

    Kilik1990 Forerunner

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    Hello Knight, thanks for the advice, I know about it, but I didn't came to think of it, so for the next sets of screenshots I will certainly do that

    About the bridges, you're quite right yes, I would love some more platforms and some more wigglyness, but I really have no idea how, I might look at that again.

    I'm very excited about your comment after you played it.
  4. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I played the map, and I agree with what I said before. You need to add more cover to the map. Anybody who was on the bottom was almost instantly engaged in a firefight. It was hard to run away from fire on the bottom.

    Also when I played the lifts were camped with the power weapons. I don't know if you can do much about that.

    The power weapons on the map seem to be spread out which is good. That makes it hard to gain all of the power weapons. You said that there is a Grenade Launcher and Focus Rifle. When I was playing I didn't find it.

    Another thing that I would consider doing is adding a soft kill zone by the receivers of the teleporters. This would stop players from standing on top of it which blocks other players from coming through.

    I hope that this feedback will help you to improve your map. A suggestion that I have before you start forging other maps, is to design your maps on paper or in another program. This extremely helps me when I forge. Then when you are are forging you can make small tweaks to your original design to make it play better. I hope that suggestion will help you to create more maps.
    #4 Knight Of 0rder, Jun 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2011

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