Sarcelle (Sar-cel) (Teal in french) is is my newest project built around Rho Fs' 'quake' styled gametype Aftershock [Gametype REQUIRED for this map to play properly]. Ned testz pls. Gametype Settings: Download and test it now! Map in the Tester's Guild: [ Link ] Gratzi.
Looks like somethin str8 outta unreal tournament dude, this is a good thing. just a great way you blended the rocks with the actual map. and im always a fan of maps that make it look like your not in forgeworld any more. 9.5/10 ;P
Hooray for inspiring map designs! I'm glad you like the gametype and map style. I love this. Death pit is the ****. Great job. Once we clean it a bit, it'll be a sure hit. Also, we'll make one together. I've decided!
I really enjoyed this yesterday. I think I like the gametype a lot more when it's more than 1v1. I had a couple of sweet no-scopes too
Agreed about the out-of-forge-world part, and thank you. It's meant to be reminiscent of Quake and Unreal Tournament. Thanks Rho. And yes. We Shall. WE SHALL. I watched those no-scopes, they were pretty legit. Good work aceface, and thanks.
ooh, another Noxy-double U map Looks nice dude, i like lift on the 2nd and 7th picture. simple and nice. I would love to get a game on this, and if anyone hasn't tested it for the TG, ill get a test and write up for you
glad to see you posting maps again dude. i really missed your work. also, i really like the style of this but just as a query, is it meant to be so open? it doesn't seem like there are many places for players to escape to.
This is such a completely different gametype that some normal design aspects are changed... such as the openness of the map. You move so fast that you can get across this map in a about 3 seconds.
I walked around on it once... It felt kind of terrible with standard traits. Virus: What Ace said. EDIT: Updated the OP, did a lot of work on this this morning. Download it from the testers guild here and give me feedback!! [ link ]