ISOLATION Hello all, welcome to my latest production. This is a fairly accurate remake of Halo 3's isolation map. Made in between two patches of grass, this has been a challenging forge. I am really happy with the location of the map, in the same location as one of my first maps, Petra Treasury. In this location I have captured a tree for either side of the map, and a nice amount of grass, to really get the Isolation feel to the map. This is a great competitive map, that I loved, great flow, the ways around and drops etc....and after a long time searching for a decent remake I decided to make my own. There is one other version I seen that is also good, and was posted here a long time ago, but as it didn't have any grass or rocks it just didn't feel right to me. The map as I have used the land around me had a few problems that made this difficult, the left top side is heigher than top right, and made this difficult, but the location was as important to me, as making this remake. All weapons, spawning and gametypes are set up almost exactly the same as the halo 3 version. The weapons list: 12x dmr 2x assault rifle 2x spiker 2x plasma pistol/mauler 4x concussion rifle/brute shot 1 x shotgun 1 x rocket (180s) 1 x sniper (180s) plasmas are in spike grenade locations frags in correct locations. 2 x mongoose 1 x ghost (180s) All copied from halo 3's version. the man cannons are interesting, for use on foot and in vehical. No fall damage from either cannon or from the 'goo shoot' Blue side Red side Thanks to all that helped me test and fix this up, mainly ROCK and dt192. Also thanks to dt192 for all the help getting me great screenshots and a walk through video that helped me make this map. Comments and feedback would be great! Thanks for looking
I love how this Isolation has the natural feel to it and not a metallic feel. The other Isolation remake sitting on my hardrive has more of the metallic feel which made it feel different than the original. I love this map though it is beautifully forged. I like the outer wall made with the Large Braces. Keep up the awesome work.
Try adding an orange light in the cave to give that weird gross flood thing look to it, it might help add to the feel of the map! Good map, love it!
Looks pretty solid. This map was really underrated in h3, but I quite enjoyed it. I love the power positions. It's a bummer the bases weren't designed as well. I'd like to get a round on this at some point. It looks like a pretty accurate remake. Also, I like his orange light idea ^^. I think that would make it feel more like the original, if it doesn't cause framerate of course. The rocks look like they could be smoothed over a little as well. Not sure what kind of budget or item limit you're looking at, but there are some better pieces to use I think. Regardless, looks pretty sweet. Well done
Although I only got one game on this, I enjoyed it very much. The way you positioned the map was brilliant, with the trees and natural landscape. This is one of the better isolation remakes I've seen. Solid, accurate, and definetly worth a download. Great job, Timmy.
No chance... budget done, and a light would not be good for framerate. But I know what you mean. Thanks for the input. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thank you, full budget production so at the end my choice me pieces was limited. Maps quite smooth, there are some parts that aren't as smooth, making the hill. I am still working on ideas and I will look into further improvements. Thanks
Ya true, very agreeable, I didn't really think of the frame rate and either way you got a lot more color on this than most remakes. Plus you also have great placement and most people are gonna play this for that! Great map, always are, can't wait to see whats next!
Wow this is amazing. I saw this map in the map previews and i couldnt wait for you to release it. it seems so accurate while still keeping that natural feel. Also thats a really good spot to build your map. amazing remake and i hope you keep making them! truly amazing.
Awesome , thank you... I am still playing around with different ideas and I will definitly see how the light looks and plays. I have been making different maps from halo 3 , a great place to look to remake maps... next I am planning on building the cartographers building from halo3, and a mortal kombat sequel and a second version of saw map , so plenty to keep me busy. Thanks Thanks eightball, apprecite help testing, was an enjoyable match... have made a few small changes since the test, soothing and tweeking. Thanks [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks, I have been excited about getting this ready... I am happy with location.....I had this place in mind since last year, just been improving my forging abilities before I was ready to take the challenge on. Appreciate the feedback , thanks
Good to see this finally out there, was interesting to see it all coming together, I also really enjoyed this map in H3 and this has deffinately got the same feel, landscaped maps with no landscape never feel the same, so this is the only way to really capture the look and feel, always good to see good remakes being released, 1 down 23 to go lolol
Cool buddy, really appreciate all your help and input making this map. Yeah I agree, having a remake on a landscape map without the land doesn't work for me. There are many aspects to map making and I believe aesthetics are just as important as layout. Remakes on halo maps and campaign missions is a great way to go. Tried and tested layouts and being able to capture memories from making a remakes is great, and enjoyable for me and friends to get together and have a blast! Great to have a great remake map maker on my corner, helping me to make better maps. Thanks
this looks great, i love how you made the wall and everything like in the old one. the only thing i dont like about it is that there is a lot of metal flooring, instead of atural. although i suppose that would be nearly impossible to fix... oh well, nice job! i will dl.
Played this not too long ago. I loved it, honestly. You had the land captured perfectly. I thought you made the land until i saw it upclose. I do think that something should be were the trees used to be. It feels like the battles are sort of uncontained and open. That's my only complaint, rofl. Keep up the awesome maps, timmy.
Hi Tim. If anyone had had the chance to see this map's beginning versions they would really appreciate the time and effort you put into making this map. Kudos to you for taking on what I think is the hardest Halo 3 map to remake and pulling it off so well. One way I judge a remake is, do I know where I am every time I spawn, and with this map I did. After that the game play was great and everything was where it's suppose to be. I look forward to more games on your Isolation. ROCK
Thank you, I agree that the trees gave a lot of cover and restricted lines of sight. Budget was fully used and I can't think of how I can free up budget without seriously ruining looks. I think I have captured a lot of the aspects of Isolation and am happy with the looks and how it plays . Thanks for the great feedback. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks ROCK, really appreciate all your help in testing and feedback, you had a great understanding of isolation and your advice was really helpful . Thanks!
hey timmy the map brought back memoreies from playing halo3 it was awsome very nice job on this one matty keep up the good work
Downloaded and played. I was never lost, and found a lot of the architecture extremely similar (your aesthetics are always great). You did a good job recreating the original... except for the frame rate It was unplayable 4 way split screen with my boys. So that means if we're playing Isolation is in Halo 3... And that makes me sad, I like reach so much better.
Thanks, it was painstaking seeing max objects flashing in this project, a simple fix for the problem would be to swap exterior wall to be colousseum walls. 50 objects would be removed and could fix 4 way gaming. I have a map I would like tested 4 split screen if you don't mind please. It will be released next week.