I loved BLOPS multiplayer above others, overall. Which also includes **** Zombies. I agree the maps from other series were better, but I really feel that there is a lot more balanced weapons in BLOPS.
I thought the gameplay was more balanced too, but I found the Modern Warfare series to be much...funner. It was addictive, fun and enjoyable. Blops was fun too, just not as much as 4 and MW2.
First of all, I guarantee you that's not true. Second of all, why would it matter? Also, it's been confirmed by Robert Bowling, the community manager at IW, that all the services that have been announced for CoD Elite are free. The paid for features have yet to be announced and will not alter gameplay.
Not a big fan of Black Ops, Big fan of this though cant wait till it comes out,, & i lol'd at your sig. ^
Unless the freakin Eiffel tower or something is in the map I'm sure wouldnt even be able to tell the difference or even care what country its in
I could think of a four maps set in my house and you would think they were each unique. Setting is the not the most important aspect to a map, the geometry is. I do think that a setting is often the first step in the map design process for most people. I think that's just something I've noticed in a lot of casual maps and even some of the competitive. I think it reflects the emotions the builder wants to capture in their map. I think it's a shitty design process, but interesting none the less. Annnd back on topic.
i'd just like to say shanon's opinion on BLOPS multiplayer is skewed. you see, he doesnt die, so he still has yet to see the "new and improved" spawning. It's funny, because it wouldn't be much worse if there was no spawn system and it was totally random. Black Ops' spawning is like what reach would be if every single map was Pinnacle. rofl. I give Black Ops credit for trying to fix up the gameplay, and while a few things were most definitely improved, others were totally ****ed up. It's like they only thought on the surface of things when they were changing it up. "ALRIGHT, PEOPLE DONT LIKE THIS, SO WERE JUST GOING TO DO THIS" "YEAH THAT SOUNDS GREAT WHEN YOU SAY IT DO IT" I reallllly hope MW3 takes a good look at Black Ops, and further builds and tweaks things, it could actually prove to have the best gameplay of the series. I'm hopeful, not expecting anything out of it, but hopeful. I'm not hopeful or expecting good out of the campaign, however. It's like all CoD developers have fallen into a complex. "ALRIGHT TO STEP UP FROM COD4, WERE GOING TO ADD MORE EXPLOSIONS AND HECTIC MOMENTS" "ALRIGHT, QUITE A FEW FANS DIDNT LIKE MW2, SO WE'RE GOING TO ADD SOME MORE EXPLOSIONS SO EVERYBODY LOVES IT" "OKAY, THEY REALLY DIDNT LIKE BLACK OPS, TREYARCH OBVIOUSLY DIDNT ADD ENOUGH." and the spiral of terrible campaigns continues on.
Seeing as mulitplayer is being produced by Raven software to get the game released before the end of the year, I have low, low expectations. The game has the possibility of being even worse than Black Ops, and that's saying something. And people will STILL buy it.
Not seeing your point. If one company has two years to develop a game, and they have the entire team work solely on one aspect of the game, then in theory there's one year for single player and one for multiplayer. Now I'm not saying the games been in development for 2 years considering all that's been going on with Infinity Ward, but should there not be better multiplayer now that a seperate team are focusing ALL their time on it? Then again, it could suck horribly.
It's not a matter of time, but a matter of talent and experience. The pre-walkout Infinity Ward had a tried-and-tested team, and those are big shoes to fill.
And Raven software really hasn't proven themselves this generation in the least. They're very average, although I did particularly enjoy Singularity for some reason.
Any news on snipers? I won't mind if quick scoping isn't practical, as long as snipers actually work as snipers.
This pretty much. It's difficult to continue a franchise when the creators of the franchise are fired. That was before West and Zamphalla left.
Watch these, Seriously. They are honestly legit. YouTube - 100% CONFIRMED MW3 Info: Zombies, Dedicated Servers, & COD Elite‏ YouTube - 100% CONFIRMED MW3 Info: Sniping, Explosives, & Perks‏ You also may want to add it to the original post.
The dude talking in that first video reminded me of arby n the chief and the video game news people who know nothing of video games. Firefight is in Reach...and he said blops a few times when talking about zombies. We get it, mw3 will have enemy combatants for waves similar to a few wave based spec ops missions from mw2...Was that so hard to say?
Seems like you're being overly critical of things that don't really matter. He wasn't able to recall firefight being in Reach because playing CoD is essentially a career for him, so he doesn't have time to play a lot of other games. His info is legit, that's the point of the video.
true, but they would have controlled the direction more than anything, the quality really comes from the mass population of the studio, rather than a few head guys. take god of war for example, the head guy changed every game but was still an excellent game each time. the problem i have with call of duty as a franchise is that activision are trying a guitar hero on it. i'm all for good games, but i don't play games like fifa, madden and GH anymore for good reason.
Has anything been said about a 3rd Person mode like they had in Mw2? That was the only thing that kept me playing that game.