Erasure. V2 Description: This map was designed ground up to satisfy fans of maps like Prosioner, Headlong and Swordbase (And all others). Fit for parties up to 16 players but is equally great for for smaller parties like 4v4 and 6 people free for all and set up for every gametype with the exception of race, and invasion, Thanks to JFox. If it weren't for him this map would have never been anything more than an another aesthetic piece on my harddrive. Together, we give you... Yes, it's fanally here. Erasure. YouTube - Reach Forge Map: Erasure.‏ The Forging Spotlight Episode 2 Erasure by BlazeIsGodly‏ - YouTube Recommended Gametypes: Although Erasure works fine for all gametypes, there are some that were extra brilliant in testing. For example: One Flag CTF This makes for fantastic competitive gameplay especially 2vs2, 3vs3 all the way up to 7vs7. Capturing any flag on this map is no easy task and requires great teamwork to outwit the opposing team. Team DMRs/FFA Slayer DMRs If you're in the mood for some serious grudge matches, slayer is where this map is at. Spawning is balanced to a T and no kill is easily earned. Oddball/Team Oddball With Erasure's lack of camp spots and strategically placed mancannons, Oddball can be great fun with around 8 players. Team Oddball DMRs with multi-teams is a hoot with individual teams battling to control a building and maintain the ball. Download and Play now!
This looks like an absolutely wonderful map. I love the area you chose to forge in, because while you see other maps use this space, this one just happens to feel more unique than others. I'm surprised there aren't any vehicles on the map. A ghost somewhere would seem very appropriate given the size of the map. I'm really looking forward to delving deeper into this map to see how it plays. I'll update this post later after I've had a forgethrough
The Psychoduck is impressed by the uniqueness of this map. He is also quite happy to see influences from maps like Sword Base, and Headlong as they are some of his favorite Halo maps. Psychoduck also believes he sees influences from maps like Hang 'em High and Terminal, two more of his favorite classic Halo maps. Psychoduck looks forward to looking at and playing on this map. However, he poses one query: why is he speaking in third person?
This is a GREAT map, the weapons aren't overpowering, the multiple stories keep it balances, but like Draw The Line said, maybe a ghost or a mongoose for each team, and maybe a little bit more cover as it is very open, but otherwise epic map
Thank you, I'm glad you like what you see. Im pretty positive you won't be disappointed when you've play it either. As for the ghost, I had through because of the height advantages that a ghost may balance well but in eary testing I had decided to get rid of it. It doesn't flow so great with it in my opinion being just a bit too cramped. Edit: Patchwork put a defenders ghost on the map near the end up of testing and I believe he said it wasn't working out. But I will be sure to ask him more in depth what went on with it to see if we can change it. Haha, well Blaze feels you are correct. Though Blaze was not taking specific influence from terminal and hang 'em high, he does very much like those maps. Blaze looks foaward to you playing it as well, as he seems to believe you will have a lot of fun. He's really not sure why he is speaking in third person either. Maybe it's some sort of virus going around? See draw the lines reply ^^ I also had thought to put a mongoose in the map for objectives but that ended up leading people to mess around on the mongoose rather than playing the map and sort of It took away a little bit from what I was going for with the Prisioner swordbase base feel. Thank you again everyone for the replies and feedback, I hope to hear back from you after a few games with some constructive criticism or stories.. Enjoy yourself.
Awesome map dude. Headlong is one of my favorite maps ever, and you seem to have captured some of its magic. My only complaint would be that of the other guys who posted here. Needs moar vehicles. lol Can't wait to get some games on this.
Thanks, make sure you give some feedback. For the vehicles, I apologize. If you haven't read why, check the other replys I had made. :/
This map looks like a lot of fun to play on, i downloaded it simply because it reminded me of headlong and i absolutly loved that map. Keep up the good forging!!! I will post feedback when i finally get some friends online
over all lay out of the map is very original, however there isn't that much detail in it. your map needs more decoration in it. you went crazy with the building blocks and forgot about the 100's of other pieces you can use. i like the layout but its not eye appealing . to boxy i guess. also the brace large can be used for more then just a platform
I really hope you enjoy playing on it when you get the chance. The main inspiration of headlong was the vertical style of (on foot) gameplay, how a lot of the time for cover you have to rely on hiding under stuff. It was one of the only maps I felt that strong need for vertical cover feeling though other maps do use it as well. Eh, I'm not so much about aesthetics. I'd rather manage a very clean, simple yet complex layout with good flow and a little less eye catching material. It's all about the gameplay for me. But if you look closely there are some aesthetics beyond being neat and clean, The tincup cliff, the campfire, The little windows, the flood infestations aroud the 2 buildings (Rocks, haha) The one piece even fell off and "smashed one of the stair cases" So I have some creative looking things in it, you just have to see where I'm coming from. EDIT: Also, I used the pieces I did t keep it all remotely the same color uses and because they were the only objects large enough to do what I wanted to do under the budget honestly.
What do you mean exactly? Maybe a mess up, I had to change the kill barries to a safe zone right before release because of one of the lifts. Explain Please, I will fix it.
So I looked around in Forge and was very impressed. The forging was clean and the map design was very solid. I look forward to playing some customs on here in the future. However, I went into a custom game here by myself because I was confused by one of your gametype labels, and found that everywhere on the map roughly lower than the rocket bridge is within a softkill barrier. Obviously this is a huge problem that needs to be addressed very soon. Other than this though, I was very impressed.
All fixed. By bad. Like I said, in the version before this, the only difference was when you went through the one lift, you would drop your objective in mid air because of the killzone. What I had to do, is make new killzones and add a safe zone instead, I figured I'd be an easy fix and therefore didn't check if it worked. Soooooooo, I'm sorry to everyone who downloaded it and was unable to play it. :/ Please redownload and give me your thoughs.
Well with the issue of the soft kill gone, this map is great. I enjoy urban style maps, and you pulled this theme off very well. Great job.
Thanks for the comment, them map isn't as open as you might think and there is always the option to lurk in buildings. Also we tried vehicles with a ghost for the defending team in CTF, but this proved to hinder gameplay sadly. Blaze if this was my fault sorry about that. Obviously something went wrong during final tweaking sessions. Since it's all fixed though I guess no harm done.
Well, I can tell from the pics that there are very few aesthetics, but gameplay is much more important. The benches are a nice touch as well as the destroyed staircase. You've gotten this many times, but the map location is very interesting and different, in a good way. I can really see the inspiration for headlong, but not the other maps. Headlong was an awesome map and this really reminds me of it. I bet gameplay would be very fun, so if I get some games on this I'll def let you know what I think. Or, you can add me on XBL and we could play on it. My GT is: iTz EightBall. Good work man.
Wow, Blaze *is* god. I hated Sword Base, but I loved Prisoner and Headlong. I can see the influence from both of these in your map. I see almost all the influence coming from Headlong, but a lot of influence coming from Prisoner as well. I'll give it a download and hopefully it will play as well as your previous maps, or maybe even better.
I see some influence from Ghost Town as well... that was my first thought when seeing this map actually. I don't know why no one has mentioned it yet, but I figure I'd throw it into the gauntlet as well.
It wasn't you at all bud. No worries. It was my bad. I'll probably add you. If not, feel free to send me a message on xbox. And thank you very much. Thanks! The only influence of swordbase really is the vertical style of fighting. Thank you again and I hope you enjoy it. By the way, swordbase is total crap. There was no real influence from ghost town but I do see what you mean and I kind of see it in there too. Haha, not sure why no one has said anything either. HEY EVERYONE! This weekend, I may host some games, if enough people are interested, I will. So put your gamertags in your post and I'll message you nearer the day.