Shockage is a map that best suits 4 - 14 players and is compatable with almost every gametype with exceptions such as invasion. (Things like race do work) Slayer, ctf, assault are probably most suitable. The map is cornered off on a section of Tempest and has many death barriers making it impossible to escape the map with excessive jet pack use. I'll have more pictures on the way, but have 4 pics and a video in the mean time. Map overhead: It's been a while since it was built but the map has weapons such as - Spartan laser Sniper rifle Gravity hammer Shotgun Dmr's Needlers and a few other small weapons etc.... Many spawn points are also seperated through out the map to prevent spawn killing. Outside view: The map has a large outside section, long inside hallway and underneath section and a cavern. Inside upstairs hallway: Cavern: The map has many more parts but I ran out of space on my fileshare for the time being but here is a video of a 3v3 sword/shotty custom game I filmed (I can never film willing testers) Rendered hd video link: Gashflash I hope you like it, I recommend watch the 4 min video as it takes you to all the map and I have posted this correctly as this is my first attempt. And for insurance reasons, here another link to the download just incase: Gashflash Gashflash Any feedback is also greatly appreciated, thanks everyone! Edit: Heres a handful of more random photos of the map: I did take some overheads, but for some reason they're not showing up in my recent pics so I'll have to re-take them later on. And just for fun, I have a link to a rendered video of how race works (me doing a quick lap) Race vid link: Gashflash Gashflash Enjoy!
From the pictures it is hard to get an idea of the map. I would suggest adding more screenshots. You also should get a better overview picture. All I can see is the outside of the map.
For more pictures, all you have to do it take them. They will so up in the recent screenshots section of your profile. And tutorial here should explain in picture form. The map looks amazing for a relatively new member, however the cover bunker looks out of place near the turret in the second picture. For aesthetic reasons, I would remove it. Unless of course you find it improves gameplay.
Thanks ever so much for the help so far everyone! Just a quick update, there's now added photos / video in the first post, cheers!
beautiful looking map. you did a nice job utilizing the environment of tempest to make nice set pieces on you're map.
I love this map (from the pictures) I like how you incorporated the original map into your own. It looks aesthetically pleasing, and the 3rd picture down makes the map look awesome. But I do wonder how the gameplay is. I can't really tell from the pictures. Anyway, you got my DL. Oh and welcome to Forgehub
Thanks for checking it out, I have some more pictures that just uploaded to And the way it plays is basically one team begins outside by the end of the river and the other team starts in the base that overlooks the river. The idea is for gametypes like 1ctf so that the attacking side has to push in the base (there are several ways in) I also did certain things like put the sniper under the base so that the defending team has to leave the base temporarily if they want the sniper to overlook where they return the flag to etc... Heres a few more pictures: On the last picture just above you can see the roof on the left, I just thought I'd mention is impossible to get on the roof and escape the map because I made escaping the map impossible so no one can cheat on the map. And thank you for the welcome everyone!
I played SWAT on this map with a few others yesterday and I also just forged around on it. It is difficult to "see" the flow of the map from first glance, and even second glance. I know some maps are like that, but this was particularly difficult given its simplicity. The map is stunning to look at, but it is confusing to navigate. I am not certain why. It may be the combination of the windows and the blocks. But that was my feeling. I am going to keep it, because it has a lot of great ideas and I will try playing it again and again to see if my getting the hang of the flow changes.
Thanks for all the feedback everyone (been a while since I posted here) Well this map will probably only be available for a week or two now as I have some other maps that'll need a file share slot soon so if your interested then grab it while you can as I litterally need 5 slots for various content and I'm sure my bungie pro is running out Well anyway I have added the same video above to youtube now for ease of viewing, please note again that to get a my friends on halo I had to give into them and play a shotty sword game variant on the map so you cant see the weapon layout here. NEW REACH MAP, SHOCKAGE.‏ - YouTube I never could get a game going on it, I need testers really bad for in the future (I'm so desperate I'm considering asking on with all the mature posters lmao) Anyway, enjoy everyone, I have some special content to come at a later date!