Submissions without thumbnails

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MrGreenWithAGun, Jun 3, 2011.

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  1. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    I know a lot of you have done the same, when looking through the collection of maps submitted to this site, you skip over those without a thumbnail. And like me you probably wondered what you may have missed...

    Well, I did a quick study and downloaded dozens of them to see what I was missing.

    I wasn't missing anything. The threads usually don't have any pics or the work is not there. So I go back to my old style of clicking on only those thumbnails that look appealing.
    #1 MrGreenWithAGun, Jun 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2011
  2. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    This thread merits no discussion...but rather more of a personal blog ranting about the thumbnails.

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