
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Zenixlio, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Zenixlio

    Zenixlio Forerunner

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    Hello Forgehub :D. I'm Zenixlio, and this will be my first map to be posted on here. Though I have been a member since last October, I was a stalker and never made a post until I applied for the Review Hub. Now I'm half way through Applied Member, soon to be Senior, and think I know what it takes to make a good map.

    Anyways, lets stop my jibbering and show you my map, Anxiety.


    Anxiety is a symmetrical Multi Team map that can support up to 8 teams, but for most optimal gameplay, 4 teams of 3 or 4.

    Here is a layout of the Second Story.

    Here is a picture of the first story.

    Here are two overhead pictures.


    What really stands out about Anxiety is that the 2 different stories evens up map flow and also it supports all gametypes excluding Invasion and Race Gametypes. This has taken me about 2 months to perfect. If you have any suggestions, please tell me so I can integrate them in before the final version is produced. Thank you for giving me your time and reading and looking at this.

    Anxiety- The Multi Team experience of Reach.

    Edited by merge:

    Please I really need this to be seen and need suggestions.
    #1 Zenixlio, Jun 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2011
  2. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    Wow, its really changed since I played on it the other day.
    I didn't like how it used to be so open, and I think you've really improved it.
  3. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    It looks very busy. Has a lot of walkways, and usually walkways arent a good thing to be prominent in a map as they funnel gameplay too much, but it looks like it works for this map in particular. No real critique at the moment as Id have to have a walkthrough to be able to see it in a more critical light, but for the moment, it looks great and I cant wait to see it when its finished.
  4. Zenixlio

    Zenixlio Forerunner

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    Thanks both of you. Matty also said the Glass cover in the middle does provide cover, but does not break up Line of Sight and would be better if the covers were walls or something you cant see through.
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i just think there should be something much more substantial there.

    Perhaps walls where the glass covers are, like you said, but then connecting them with one large central structure. It could overhang at the corners, blocking line of sight further. The whole thing doesn't have to be playable of course, but imo it would massively benefit in breaking the map up on the top level.
  6. Zenixlio

    Zenixlio Forerunner

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    V2 Has been made. I'm posting it officially in the Competitive section later tonight

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