Spoiler I have been fooling around in forge for months, often to no end. But this is something that has progressed consistently along the way. I must have started this back in February, but now, there is actually something worth showing. What started out as a fairly simple theme for a small arena is starting to turn out as a very complex, multi-faceted objective map. What i have done represents the bulk of the structures you will see. Much of the rest will just be smaller objects, meant to break the open space in between points of interest. I'm looking to test this part of the map. Currently i'd like to play some Invasion, and perhaps a bit of Slayer just to see what it's like. It will be set up for 2/3 tiers, the first requiring an Elite assault up the hill, to take the shanty town. Once it's taken, they'll have to steal the core from inside the pagoda, and bring it back to the bottom of the hill, where they started. I tend to be on at obscure times, but i could arrange a proper time to test if need be. Feel free to add me if you want to test, or you would just like a look. As always i'm completely open to critique or suggestions, and i'll be glad to offer my insight. Gamertag; Kondense
The pagoda looks friggin awesome but the rest looks a bit uninspired. I'd love to be proven wrong though, add me if you want, GT is The Psycho Duck.
From the pics I think it all looks pretty interesting. It kinda reminds me of some oriental asian buildings or something. And I agree with duck the pagoda looks siiccckkk.
Love the pagoda. Are you going for the Japanese theme through the entirety of the map or just for that one building? The archways would suggest the entire map.
I've had a little run around in forge and thrown some new ideas down. I'm Trying to expand as much as possible. I'm unsure right now whether to try and cover all of Alaska, or whether to round it off and focus more on the area i'm using. I'll add some new images in a sec.