I'm working on my DOTA Style Map(Tower Defense with Classes and such) and I was wondering how I would make it to where you have to control your opponents hills(Towers) to win. I swear I've seen it done before but I can't find anything on it. Or at least there be some kind of substitute for it?
I've never played territories so I wouldn't know. EDIT: I just had a look on a wiki about it, it seems like the gametype I need. EDIT 2: Alright so, I don't understand this. I want both teams to be on offense and defense, basically where a few members of one team go and try to capture while the others stay back and defend.
You might be able to do King of the hill and set the hills to a certain team. I'm not sure if that will work because I don't work with hill much but you might give it a go. Good luck
I'll try it, territories does seem like what I need though just with a few modifications which I have no idea what to do with. EDIT: I tried the hills, doesn't appear to be working.
You've never played territories? Well its simple really. Either you have neutral territories which both teams can capture. Or you have a team defending and a team capturing. You can set the territories to be locked after being captures or allow them to be recaptured. MLG also uses a game type that has neutral territories which give you points for having them in your color, once another team captures the territory, it will give them points instead, first to xxx points wins.
No, tiers are only available in invasion which you cannot make symmetric. If you don't know what invasion is, you should probably go play some halo to figure out what you're doing before you start making a map. From what you're saying it looks like you've either never played halo before.
I've played Invasion before, but I have never played Territories before. You don't need to be a **** about it, just because I haven't played one gametype doesn't mean I've never played the game before.
do you want blue team to control red team's hills? That is territories. They take turn and switch sides. do you want both blue and red team to compete in a single round to take control of hills? That is land grab, the symmetric version of territories.
Yeah pyro wasn't being a **** man he was just telling it like it is, and I agree with him it does sound like you haven't played halo much...but that's besides the point. To solve this just use territories, just make it so the attacking team wins when they capture the one territory thats there, or make multiples. MrGreenWithAGun pretty much summed it up.
Yeah, I'm just gonna go with territories. Thanks guys. I've just never played territories before and never used tiers, not sure how that sounds like I've not played much...but whatever.