Roosterball (Halo Horse Map)

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by GamingProdigy91, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. GamingProdigy91

    GamingProdigy91 Ancient
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    For Use With the HaloBall Gametype

    Note: This map is intended for two players (One on the Red Team and one on the Blue)

    For a while I have been following Roosterteeth and their series of Achievement Horse (Halo Horse) videos in which they play on maps wherein they must perform certain difficult tasks in order to win on any given map. The problem with this series, however, is that it relies on the honor system. So with the release of Halo Ball, I decided to remedy this. At the start of the map the player will find himself on a platform facing a giant floating arrow. He will also be standing on a fuel rod gun which he will need to pick up. After doing so, the player simply needs to zoom in with the fuel rod (while looking in the direction that the arrow is pointing) and locate two floating mines. It will be necessary to shoot these mines with the fuel rod gun in order to finish the map. The trick being that the mines will respawn 13 seconds after they are shot and the player must navigate through a small obstacle course to reach the area the mines are at via teleporter. Because of this quick respawn time on the mines, it will be necessary to shoot the fuel rod shots and begin the run through the course before the shots hit their mark. If you make it through the course without dying, you will find yourself in a room with some Roosterteeth related art (courtesy of EVIL LIGHTBULB). You will also find that each art piece is glowing either red or blue; you should also notice that one of them has a goal marker for your team. Near the player's visible goal marker is a weapon. Upon picking up this weapon, the player will win the game (assuming that the score limit for Haloball is still set to its default of 25). That's the gist of the game. I'll also be including two videos which show how to properly play the game.

    YouTube - ‪Roosterball Red Side‬‏

    YouTube - ‪Roosterball Blue side‬‏

    Here are the links to the Videos on : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach : File Details

    And here are some pictures




    #1 GamingProdigy91, Jun 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2011
  2. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    Pics or it Didn't Happen... JK.

    You are going to need to get some images into this post or it will be disregarded by 90% of the community, and it will be locked by the moderators.

    How to post Screenshots
  3. JGarb

    JGarb Forerunner

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    You have twenty four (24) hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards.
    These standards include:
    • A thread thumbnail showing your map
    • A description (500 words)
    • Pictures (at least 3 recommended)
    • Any other information you would like to include about the map

      A screenshot posting guide is found at the link below.
    Goodluck! -JGarb​
  4. Ajc 27

    Ajc 27 Ancient
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    Dude you need to put some images up. if you dont know how to put them in then just ask around. :p but if you do...then you better put them in soon xD

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