I'm back with two shots. One was an experimental screenshot and the other was just a normal screenshot. Here's my experimental shot: Spoiler And here's my other screenshot Impulse! Spoiler Questions? Comments? By no ones request the download links!: Pic One Pic Two
I took all of these pictures in game. They're pretty easy do do! If you want I can tell you guys how to do the effect.
the second pic is awesome, i love how you used the effects to make such a creative photo, if i had to rate it, a definite 9/10 and what map was picture 2 taken on?
i really like the first one, you never posted that one on bnet before :/ the visor looks neat with the partial shadow over it and the color scheme creates a mysterious feeling to it, great capture!
Sorry I've been neglecting this post for awhile but the map for the second one is on Overlook, yes the firefight map. What you need to do to achieve that kind of a screenshot you'll need to throw a plasma grenade in firefight on dirt or grass or this effect doesn't work. Make sure the background is light or else it will be hard to see the the silhouette. Then go into theater and look into the dirt particles the plasma grenade threw up into the air don't forget to zoom in for best chance of this working. Then snap a screenshot if you find something good! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Updated: Download links added! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks I never posted it on MP because I didn't have a good name for it... If you didn't know how to do it I'd be happy to tell you mainly because I ripped off your Apollo Effect (is that even what you call it?).
The 2nd one captures me, its mysterious, i like it. The 1st to me is just an explosion in my eyes. I could be wrong. But well done sir.
of course i dont call it that, lol- i started calling it "Mise-en-scene" bc of a joke, but thats another story also are you sure you were using that effect, i dont really see it at all...
I didn't use an explosion, I used a kill ball, with some effects of course. I'm not really good so I'll tell you guys this effect too. Go onto Tempest place a kill ball and add the FX Pen & Ink, Purple and Next Gen. Then walk into the kill ball. Go into theater and zoom in just in front of the kill ball and if you find something good take a picture of it. What do you mean by that effect?
What do you mean by "What do you mean by that effect?"... lol (you were saying you used it, or rather ripped off it- but i dont see anything similar in the photo )
alright, well im just confused now...! what i thought you were saying was that you used this effect: on this screenshot of yours: and i was saying that it didnt look like you did ... lol
You know what? Were just gonna restart this conversation. I took two pictures using the mise-en-scene effect with 2 different models and colors of yours so never mind what I said.