Hey guys, Im just pondering the thought of the relevance of the LASO Weekly Challenges, and if the reward is really worth the the bother. I have done 3 LASOs before, two back when they werent worth much, and the latest was the one the week before last, so Im not bitching coz theyre too hard and I cant finish them. Im just thinking that the reward for finishing them should be greater than what they are, because, I dont know about other people, but in the time I invest into finishing one I could earn as much, if not more, credits playing MM. Im not trying to brag, Im merely stating fact. Yeh, I agree with the people that are inevitably going to say part of the reward is finally finishing a Mythic difficulty level. But I just cant shake the feeling that its not really worth my time, just for the feeling. Maybe a 25K or so reward would be more fitting. Do people think this is a bit excessive or do you concur? Please, discuss.
A bigger reward is definitely needed. A MINIMUM on 25k would convince me to do them. You put hours of work into it, when you could've gained the same amount of credits, and still had fun, in matchmaking.
I had fun doing them. I've done every LASO challenge solo and with friends and I enjoyed it a lot. I don't care about credits.
Its good that you had fun doing them. Sure, they can get (extremely) frustrating at times, but they are fun when youre playing with friends. Even though you dont care about getting the credits, Overdoziz, do you still think the amount should be higher for those who still enjoy ranking up or are trying to save up for a better armour purchase/effect/Firefight voice, etc? Personally, for some reason Im obsessed with leveling up, (which is why I love Oblivion and Fallout), and ranking up is Reachs' version of leveling, so thats why I like getting credits. Havent bought anything for a while as I like what my Spartan looks like currently, so I have more than 500,000 just sitting around. On another note, it would be cool if you could donate your unwanted credits to those more wanting. Thats exactly my point. Like I said to Overdoziz, if the challenge and fun of beating a Mythic level is its own reward and you dont care about credits, then thats great. Power to you. But if youre inclined to gain credits for your efforts, then there are certainly more attractive ways of obtaining them. I remember a little while back there was a weekly challenge of getting, I think, 1500 kills in MM, and the reward for that was 25,000. That was way easier to get for a lot of people than any given LASO. I barely scraped that one in on the last day by the skin of my teeth, but that was mainly because I work, and I only had about 90 minutes of play each afternoon after I got home. Was busy for most of the weekend of that week too, so I dont know how I managed to pull it off. **** load of SWAT, I guess. I just dont understand how they give something like that which is more easily achievable a higher amount than something which takes a lot of time and sometimes extreme patience.
Anything revolving around challlenges (weekly/daily) should be kept to the original thread. Each challenge doesn't need it's own thread. LOCKED.