Levelation (update 1)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Darkm2021, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    After going over the map, I decided to make a few slight changes. Most notable might be the removal of the aesthetic builting that was directly behind the map. I've also changed the teleporters to make the map a little more balanced. The Yellow platform no longer has a lift on it, but rather a teleporter that leads to the middle of the map. I've also redirected the teleporter on the bottom level to a new reciever node. I've added several gametypes but some bugs MIGHT need fixing because I am not familiar with the gametypes in forge (it confuses me a lot). Please check it out and give me feedback. I'll update the pictures soon.

    Levelation is an experimental map I made a while ago. I originally wanted it to be a huge map with several levels to it, but after I realized that I simply didn't have enough resources for what I wanted I compromised. I kept the several levels idea but I changed from roomy, open battlefields and instead made it close quarters hallways and rooms. There are 3 levels in all;

    Lower level:
    The lower level is the red team spawn and has 3 grav lifts. One leads to the Rocket Launcher on the yellow platform, the other two lead up to the middle level of the map. It also contains a teleporter which also leads to the middle floor. The lower floor is the smallest and will most likely be the least used level in the map.

    Middle level:
    The middle level is a slight bit larger than the lower level. There are two blue spawn points in this level to make it an even distance between the two teams and the rocket launcher. The two lifts from the lower level leads to the two sides of this level, and the teleporter leads to back of the level (the side opposite of yellow platform). The middle level leads into a room that has a staircase going down to a couple grav lifts. One leads up to the top level and the other leads to the yellow platform.

    Top level:
    The top level is the largest level, possibly, and also contains two blue spawns. The top level is accessed by grav lift, either by the one at yellow lift or the ones in the middle level. The mid level lifts lead to the back of the level into the triple room. The yellow platform lift leads to the front of the level, which leads into the circle base (can also be called purple room because of the purple light).

    The map is still in the works. I have some spawn point tweaks to make and I also have to work the weapons around to make it more balanced. But it's far closer to finished now than it ever was (I've been through 5 different layouts, made countless changes to the current layout, added several rooms for the sake of space, and tried to make the spawns as balanced as possible on such a small map. At one point I had a finished map that wasn't balanced or visually appealing so I started from scratch).

    Weapons on the map:
    DMR x2
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Assault Rifle x2
    (subject to change)

    Pictures: (the entire album can be viewed here)


    Far away side view

    Bottom level view1

    Bottom level view2

    Mid level view1

    Mid level view2 (teleporter goes from yellow platform-middle)

    Mid level teleport (bottom-middle)

    Top level view1

    Top level view2

    Grav lift (mid-top) view1

    Grav lift (mid-top) view2

    Yellow platform

    Yellow platform (showcases grav lift from top level)
    #1 Darkm2021, Jun 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2011
  2. k1rby33

    k1rby33 Forerunner

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    WOW, amazing. really interesting that you put three levels, and I see a bunch of man cannons! is this a big team battle or something?
  3. Speechee6

    Speechee6 Forerunner

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    Really man? Set up some stockpile, One flag CTF, and one bomb. then a possible download from me. love the broken bridge.
  4. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    That's something I'm currently working on as we speak. I'll edit the post with the updated map when I'm finished, I was just eager to get this out there and get some feedback. I'm also tweaking the spawn points as well as setting up all the different gametypes.
  5. Pikapi 360

    Pikapi 360 Forerunner

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    I've noticed that you have a way of making your maps appear puny with the first photo, and then astounding everyone with the size and complexity of your maps in the following images as we scroll down, about to post a disappointed comment. This map seems quite interesting and I will get right to downloading. ;)
  6. A Killing Pie

    A Killing Pie Forerunner

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    Looks outstanding. I especially like the kill ball and all the man cannons, the man cannons should make for some very fast-paced Customs. Can't imagine the craziness with a full party. Also, the broken bridge looks really cool.
  7. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The kill ball in your map doesn't seem to fit with the overall theme of your map. I believe kill balls are just a lazy way for forgers to add aesthetics to their map. Very rarely do I like kill balls on maps. I know some people who would disagree with me, but that is just what I think.

    From your pictures, I see that you used a lot of prefab buildings. I would try to avoid using these pieces because they are lazy way out of building your own structures. Don't get me wrong sometimes these buildings really add to the overall gameplay and can be very strategically placed and look amazing. What I'm talking about is using an over abundance of these pieces. It would be more interesting if forgers created their own designs instead of using the prefab ones that Bungie gave us.

    You also may want to consider to get rid of lighting effects. They tend to be a big cause of frame rate dropping, and that can be a turn off to players.

    I do like the destroyed bridge that you have by the Rocket Launcher. It really adds a nice touch to the map.

    I hope that my criticism will help you to create more advanced maps. I also hope that I have taught you something with my post. I try to be helpful when posting replies. If you need any ideas to replace the prefab buildings message me on Forge Hub, and I'll be glad to help you.
  8. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    I just updated the map to be more balanced and include more gametypes.
    I don't usually use the "building" type pieces that often, this is the only map where I've really relied on them. I wanted to see if I could get some use out of them.
    The killball doesn't fit, you're right. I don't know why I added it, probably because a light used to be there and when I moved it, it felt empty. I'll take it out in the next update.

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