Welcome! Today is 1st of June so tommorrow evening an update will be out and, A] less frame lag B] More cover and different centerpiece, put ideas in comments for future purposes This is a new map called 'Melevolent' This map is based on an idea I had, Because I usually make symmetrical or enclosed maps I thought I should have a crack at an airy map, This is a map where nature and metal is combined, several games have been played on it and it is fully functional in terms of game play. Extensions will be made and lots of new weapons and scenery will be placed watch for updates! Testing credit: ARBY12478 Ten Of Clubs I FadingArbiter97 Darktiger241 Horustheavenger Weapons on map Needle rifle x3 Needler x3 Rocket launcher x1 DMR This is one of my best map to date, so please comment any ideas on how to improve it! It features a man cannon that delivers players straight into the heart of the battle, a good feel in terms of looks and game play, though this map has no story behind it, it is a fun map for free for all and teams, new update will be appearing that make it compatible for: Infection, King of the hill, territories, juggernaut, CTF, and Assault Now a time for screenshot's Please comment! and rate! The best way to test this map is to get 4 friends and have fun, download and open the map's secrets! Watch out for Malevolent V2!
Um... Hate to be the one to break it to you but this map is WAAAYY too open. And there is only one gametype set up. try putting more effort into your next map and you will see results.
like the other guy said, you need more cover. one place, for example, is by the mancannon in the 2nd to last pic. also, about the replies/update thing, settle down, it takes time to get replies. especially since some people dont like to comment often.
Thanks, but Thanks guys, but I really want some nice comments like 'nice map!' and stuff. I do get your point though and in the next update there will be more over head cover and some rooms!
Honestly, if you are going to post a map on here you should be ready for constructive criticism. They are not saying your map is horrible, and that it has no potential. These comments are trying to bring your map to the highest potential that it can reach. Having said that, I like the way that you used the brace tunnels as walls...very interesting! Other than the apparent cover problem, my only other concern would be your center piece. Is there any frame rate drop? Anyways, a few tweaks here and there could make this map great, look fwd to seeing an updated version.
Thank you SSOOO much! updates will hopefully be out by tomorrow evening! [br][/br]Edited by merge: also, sorry about the message earlier I know, I just over reacted at my first comment, but i will learn and this map will continue to grow and update leave ideas for updates in messages, thanks!
I just want to remind you that lights tend to be one of the largest causes of frame rate issues. So if you are having trouble with the frame rate, I would get rid of the light first. Like Speechee6 and D3ATH EYE said you really need to add cover to your map. It is too open. You don't want players to be caught in a fight every second of the match. If I were you, I would add rocks around the "grass" to make a border. I do this when I have "grass" that I create, and it tends to look better than just the "grass" placed in the floor. I do like the roofs that you created using the small round inclines. They really add to the overall feel of the map. I hope that you take my suggestions into consideration when creating a version 2 of this map. I also hope that I was able to help in some way.
thaks again, tomorrow hopefully V2 will be out, no lights, more cover, more gametypes and a different centerpiece got it [br][/br]Edited by merge: gonna get some shut eye, V2 is gonna be out SOON! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Sorry guys, I haven't done it yet, I ahve been very busy and am getting confused at how to make it compatible with a select few of gametypes, this is a lot more detailed and has cover features included, please add feed back when V2 comes out soon, it will be a NEW thread to get more attention thanks